What are you eating/doing today? Friday edition!

on 3/24/11 9:48 pm - Hyattsville, MD
Rise and shine TGIF. Have a busy weekend planned. A group I'm in has a night at D&B planned then I'm catering a dinner party in bmore tomorrow. Eats for today are simple: homemade applasauce, a popeyes nugget with 1/2 biscuit and 4 spoonfuls of mashed potatoes. Dinner will be something at D&B since I'll be drinking.
Babygirl got her surgery March 3rd...     She's from 339 to 200 as of 6/14/2012.. SOO proud of my bigbabygirl                                                                   
on 3/24/11 9:54 pm - Barrie, Canada
No big plans for the weekend...might go to the zoo (I love walking around the zoo...good exercise and fun to boot).

Breakfast - oatmeal (with added protein powder & fiber)
Lunch - chicken salad
Dinner - Middle Eastern Kebabs with couscous
Snack(s) - sugar free pudding and some carrot sticks

on 3/24/11 10:03 pm - OH
Well, I goofed for breakfast. I ate a cornbread muffin.  Now I feel crappy.  Too many carbs, no protein.  And I'm not at home or I'd go lie down.  Hopefully this icky feeling goes away soon.

I have no clue what I'm eating later.  The last thing I feel like thinking about right now is food.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 3/24/11 10:50 pm - FL
 Had the WORST day yesterday!  I am going to blog about it.

B-went to McDonalds, got the sausage burrito, going to eat the inside, drank a LARGE OJ, and I really want some coffee.
SN- cheddar cheese (maybe)
L- either a salmon ceaser salad or shrimp at the mexican restaurant
SN- protein shake
D- I really want to go to Applebee's and get the dynamite shrimp....clearly today is my "free day" after the day I had yesterday it is going to take every ounce of strength to just keep it together today.

BUT on a positive note.....ITS FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!   TGIF!!!!!!  I am going to try to get to the beach or somewhere to just relax.

Happy Friday!!!
Kelly S.
on 3/24/11 11:24 pm
Morning, still up in the air about the job.  I am going to go to work there tomorrow and that should give me a chance to see if it clicks.  Have to make my decision by Monday morning either way.  Got six letters from a lawyer last night about the foreclosure of our house.  Have I mentioned I HATE Bank of America!  I am going to clal them again today and see if I can figure out what is going on.

B: click, unjury, and almond milk
S: ham and spinach egg bites
L: chix taco (if I am hungry)
D: pizza (well the tops of some pizza a few bites of crust)

TGIF!!! Except I have to work tomorrow.... hmmmmm

20 pounds lost during two week pre-op diet.

on 3/24/11 11:41 pm
B: Gobani w/ walnuts
S: Nectar Protein shake
L: Small salad with turkey
S: Protein shake
D: ?


H.A.L.A B.
on 3/24/11 11:43 pm
Babe,,,, you not eating enough... just look at your menu... eat more..

I am not sure what will be on my menu. Last few days more carbs started sneaking into my food... the little nasty bustards...lol... so sneaky.  When you relax a bit and stop journaling food... they just poop right back  into your food and also made me eat me... so the calories was higher also... And since I am very busy lately.. the exercise is close to non-exiistant. So I need to shape up and start journaling again.  It keeps me aware what is in the food I eat.

today plan will be simple:
coffee + almond milk
handfull of pumpkin seeds ( last one for the whole week)
protein shake
tuna + pickles  or some cheese + veggies
yogurt + flax + proteins.
protein shake (if going out, to make sure I can wait for a late dinner..)
salad + fish or light soup..
LNS: cheese... (to keep my BS stable over night)

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 3/25/11 2:45 am - Hyattsville, MD
I know chica... my pouch is back to hurting if I eat more... I TRIED 2 nuggets from the kids meal yesterday (breading removed) and was in PAIN ... so just ate a lil more mashed potatoes. 
Babygirl got her surgery March 3rd...     She's from 339 to 200 as of 6/14/2012.. SOO proud of my bigbabygirl                                                                   
H.A.L.A B.
on 3/25/11 3:05 am
I know babe... that's why you may need to start looking again to find some good protein shakes. Powders or RTD.   That's what keeps me OK when I have small pouch days...

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 3/25/11 3:06 am



I was a bad bariatric girl this am lol… My mom stopped into Krispy Kreme and got me a glazed donut… I haven’t had one in two years and I ate it all… and It was amazing… and thus far (knock on wood) my RH doesn’t hate me, so it’s ok :) I must have made a lot of progress in the last almost 22 months since surgery, bc I didn’t feel guilty in the slightest lol… I am in the middle of some major upheaval right now (think I found an apartment but keep your fingers crossed for me/swing chickens, etc. because I REALLY need it! Thx)


Eats for today:

Donut-190/2 (YES I looked it up online lol- I’m awesome like that)


Protein shakes-240/46

1/3 of Cliff Choc Mint protein bar-90/7

½ cup Special K cereal-100/1

Chicken/1 meatball/shaved beef-250/35


1030/106 + dinner

Il faut souffrir pour être belle

"When I get sad, I stop being sad, and be AWESOME instead. True story." -Barney Stinson/Neil Patrick Harris

Lost 169 lb before getting pregnant!
Mama to Aleksandar J.B., 11.26.11 <3 Now I know what true love REALLY is! <3
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