Recurring Yeast Infections

on 3/30/11 3:17 am
Hello Group,

Before surgery i had one yeast infection when i was pregnant and that was it. Now for the last three months i get one a month and it is bad.  Is anyone else experiencing this issue?  what did you take and what can i do to prevent it?  I have RNY surgery on 10/14/10.

on 3/30/11 3:52 am
Fun topic right??? I have a recurring infection as well that mimics a yeast infection but it is not a yeast infection. I also never had this before surgery. It is not an STD or Yeast. I have had two rounds of medication but it just comes back. There was a post about 4 months ago about someone else having this issue.
Not sure how to help other than you are not alone.
  HW:398 SW:378 GW:180(DR.) 160(me)
on 3/30/11 4:14 am
Oh WOW!  It is nice to know that I am not alone but gosh i am sooo tried of going through this every month for the past three months. I thought maybe it is something that i am eating or maybe there is a way to prevent it but i guess not?  I have an appointment with my GYN tomorrow night an I hope that they can give me something because this is ridiculous. SMH

Yes i agree it mimics a yeast infection, it comes just before my cycle and leaves when or somewhere around my cycle is finished and it continues to keep coming back no matter what i take/use to prevent it. :(  I am soo frustrated and uncomfortable. SMH

Thanks for acknowledging that I am not loosing my mind.

Any ideas of how we are getting it?
on 3/30/11 4:27 am - Bay Minette, AL
Keep us posted on this, I have been having similar issues too.  I need to get a checkup anyway it has been a year. 

on 3/30/11 5:10 am
I will Timeka! :)

on 3/30/11 4:32 am - MD
I never had yeast infections before surgery (March 2008).  Now within the past two years or so, I got them about 3x a year on average.  Then something happened in January - it was a horrible [what I assumed was a] yeast infection...and after a trip to the dr. she told me I had what appeared to be both a bacterial AND yeast infection in my cooter.  FML!

So after taking a super strong antibiotic (Flagyl) for two weeks for the bacterial infection, and a night time internal cream for a week for the yeast infection... it still hadn't cleared up.  Went back to the dr. and she took another look and a sample... determined from looking under the microscope that the bacterial infection was gone.  But said most likely the yeast infection didn't get knocked out during that treatment session for some reason.  She even sent a sample off to the lab and the lab results confirmed it was just a yeast infection at that point. 

To get rid of the lingering-way-too-long yeast infection, she prescriped me three doses of diflucan.  I took all three, a few days apart, and it finally knocked out everything.

I asked my RNY surgeon about all of this at my yearly follow up appointment.  I asked him if any other women experienced an increase of yeast infections post surgery.  He said none had really mentioned it, so he's not so sure there's a link.  But the more I read about yeast infections, it sounds like you could be more likely to get them if you have a weakened immune system.  So just a thought - I take a zinc supplment in addition to everything else to help boost my immune system.  I also add a scoop of Greek yogurt to my protein shakes each morning to increase the natural cultures into my system.

I have no real advice for you - but just know you aren't alone with this battle with recurring yeast infections.  I'm trying to go with suggestions my OB-GYN gave me the last time I was in there trying to get the yeast infection to go away - wear cotton panties only, be sure to thoroughly dry off after a shower, maybe even use a hair dryer to make sure your cooter is properly dry EVERYWHERE when you're done, and sleep without any panties on.

Hang in there!! *hugs*
on 3/30/11 5:18 am
WOW!  This sounds like what i am experiencing.  I mean i am not sure what this is because my appointment is tomorrow but maybe it is more than a simple yeast nfection?  Maybe a bacteria infection too?  At this point i am at a loss for words and i have to admit my immune system (i think) can use a boost.

I feel that for the last three months all i have been doing is trying to get rid of it.  My question is maybe i get it under control for a few weeks using the Monistat but a few weeks later it is right back and even stronger than the last time.  I started taking AZO Yeast to help with sypmtonand for maintaince when it goes away and after the first month it didnt do anything.  However is does give you some tempotary relief when you take it but it doesnt last long.

I roginally started with my surgeon's office inquiring about this issue but they referred me to my GYN because they claim there isn't any relation but i speaking with all of you i think that is a bunch of bull.  I mean maybe there are no studdies to prove it but there MUST be some relationship because you have healthy women who NORMALLY don't experience this issue now facing this issue in abundance.  Something sounds very wrong here. LOL

I am going to try the yogurt and zinc supplement.  Can you recommend a specific zinc supplements?

Thank you SO MUCH for this information!  I will give an update after my appointment tomorrow. :)

Sending back BIG HUGS! :)
on 3/30/11 5:39 am - MD
Definitely have them check you out for a possible bacterial infection.  I kept thinking mine was only yeast - and kept taking diflucan... and it did NOTHING.  So all that time went by that I should've been treating it differently.

But I never really experienced yeast infections AFTER taking an antibiotic.  So to me, my yeast infections aren't linked to that, as it does happen that way for some people.

The AZO Yeast tablets did not a thing for me, either.  So I stopped wasting my time.  But my dr. tell me some of her patients have used this stuff called RepHresh.  I've used it and it seemed like it helps with the maintence of preventing infections.  It's a vaginal gel that you can insert (leave in over night) every three days.  I picked up a pack of 4 applications at Target.  No prescription needed - may be worth a shot for you to try AFTER you get your issues cleared up.

As far as the zinc supplement goes, I just got a bottle of zinc tablets at CVS.  I just take one a day after meals.  I think it helps for the most part.  And people at my work have been getting sick (stuff like a cold or runny nose/coughing) and I haven't gotten it - knock on wood!  So it's just another added bonus to boost your immune system for other reasons too. :)

And P.S. - I have inserted yogurt into my cooter as an over night treatment vs. Monistat stuff.  I can't say it worked to clear up my infections - I always had to end up using diflucan to get rid of them. :(
on 3/30/11 6:20 am
oK I will pick up some zinc but now i have another question since you ae further post op then me.

Question 1:  When did they tell you it is ok to start taking pills again?  I was under the impression that i would never be able to take pills again in life. LOL  Have you ever taken alleve post surgery?  All of the Dont' before surgery including taking medication such as cold syrups alleve etc were you able to go back to taking them post surgery?

Question 2:  Do you notice weight gain during your monthly?  During the first six months and the closer you get to you rgoal did it get harder to loose and did you hit stall alot more?

Question 1 My Answer I just finished taking Bactrum because i had an absess on my leg that they cut open and to prevent infection they put me in bactrum.  This it the first NON chewable i been prescribed since surgery and i had my RNY surgery 10/14/10.  They nutritionist mention iron and mutlivitamin that you swallow and when i questioned her she said let the surgeon tell you if and when you can return to pills you swallow.

Question 2 My Answer  Each month it seems like i gain 1-2 pounds the week before my monthly and then i loos it back once the cycle is over.  I ALWAYS stall that week too adn dont loose again until it is over.  I am trying to try to avoid this from happening IF i can. LOL

I have to say i love your  word COOTER! LOL :)

(deactivated member)
on 3/30/11 4:36 am - SC
Do you take probiotics or anything?  I haven't had surgery yet, but I get a yeast infection if I even so much as look at an antibiotic.  Probiotics help a lot to prevent yeast infections.  You can take them alone or a lot of people make sure they just eat a lot of yogurt.  Stuff you can do at home to help:  Get lots and lots of air to that region.  If walking around naked isn't feasible then you can always take a blow dryer on the cool setting.  Yeast needs moisture and if you deprive it of the moisture it helps.  Also, if you can get your hands on some coconut oil and tea tree oil and just apply it topically it will help to kill the yeast.  I've found that when I get one it seems to want to hang on to my panties.  It also does the same with my daughter's diapers as we cloth diaper.  She's had 2 from antibiotics and I treat her clothes the same as mine for it.  To get it out of your clothes and towels you can add bleach (if they are whites), vinegar and tea tree oil.  Vinegar and Tea tree oil will help kill the fungus in your clothes and towels.
Gross I know.  Also you can try adding some baking soda and a bit of apple cider vinegar to your bath water.  It may tingle a bit at first, but it helps too.  

I would get a culture to make absolutely certain it is fungal since it is unusual for you to have them recurrently.  Hope that helps!
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