Over achiever? More like over eater!

on 3/31/11 2:50 pm
OMG! I am only 2 weeks post op today and was able to start pureed foods today. Well my doc says I should be eating about 1/4 cup of food at a time. For lunch I measured my food and all was well. For dinner, I re-heated left overs but decided my eyeballs knew what 1/4 cup looked like. WRONG! I can't tell yet when I'm hungry or full. Usually I will start burping and then that's about when I know my pouch is full. Well at dinner, I started burping that full burping feeling and then kept on going.... until it was gone.
About an hour later....the pain from gas and bloating in the middle of my stomach was excruciating! It lasted for about 2 hours and then I started vomiting.  I felt soooo much better after that. 
I guess I didn't realize that my eyes have been measuring food for a fat person my entire life.  I have so much to get used to... but lesson is learned.... I will no longer trust my eyeballs! :)

Highest Weight: 318 lbs
Surgery Weight: 265 lbs
Current Weight: 183 lbs
Goal Weight: 145 lbs 
Lady Lithia
on 3/31/11 2:55 pm
I bought 3 oz dixie cups.... filled them 2/3rds full....that's 1/4 cup, and very convenient size container....saves breaking out the measuring cups.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 3/31/11 3:02 pm
Great idea! I'm gonna get tired of washing the measuring cups over and over and over! Thanks!

Highest Weight: 318 lbs
Surgery Weight: 265 lbs
Current Weight: 183 lbs
Goal Weight: 145 lbs 
Lady Lithia
on 3/31/11 3:08 pm
disposable cups in the various sizes really helped me to learn how to eyeball specific portion sizes!

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 3/31/11 3:13 pm
I'm sure once I get used to this lifestyle, eyeballing won't be much of an issue.. For now... not so much! I just added dixie cups to my grocery list! Thanks again! I hope things are going good for you since your surgery.

Highest Weight: 318 lbs
Surgery Weight: 265 lbs
Current Weight: 183 lbs
Goal Weight: 145 lbs 
on 3/31/11 10:54 pm
A friend who was post op bought me little plastic condiment cups as a surgery gift. They hold 2 oz. It was the perfect amount early postop. I still use them for side dishes. She got them cheap at a restaurant supply store.
Deb T.


on 4/1/11 1:24 am
Measure all the time.  You will be able to eyeball it later for a close approximate, right now it's best to know for sure.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining



on 4/1/11 3:18 am - COLUMBIA CITY, IN
I'm 2 years post RNY and I make my lunch every day and still use 1 cup Tupperware bowls so I can judge quantity.  I find I don't do so well with ziploc bags - not pre**** enough.  I also have 1/2 cup Tupperware I use to fill with tuna salad or cottage cheese.

I cannot trust eyeballing.  I only do that at a restaurant or event where I can't break out a measuring device.

Until your nerves grow back - which might take a few months - MEASURE.  You can do damage to your pouch suture lines and intestional suture lines by overfilling.  Progress slowly according to your plan.

Healing is so important.  Best wishes.
Highest Weight 255  * Wt loss includes 19 lb lost before surgery

on 4/3/11 5:46 am - LA
I'm a little over 4 weeks post op and put everything in Glad bowls that are pre-measured at 1 cup.  Plus, I've made myself eat super slow.  If I think I'm full, but not sure, I put the spoon down and wait a few minutes.  Might sound stupid, but I'm terrified of screwing something up.  Most of the time, I'm full and am done.  The food's always gonna be there, so I can always go back if I'm not full.  It truly is re-learning, or maybe UNlearning is a better word...of what we've always known.  
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