Had my surgery on March 18th.

on 4/8/11 4:44 am - NC
I had my surgery on March 18th. To be honest I have not had an appetite and it is hard for me to get in my liquids. I just have an awful taste in my mouth which I hope it will pass. Anyone going through the same thing. I am forcing down liquids so I want get dehydrated. Is this normal just 3 weeks out. I am also kind of stil soar on my left side. It soar when I like bend a cetain way. I know I am 3 week out and I will be soar for awhile. Just making sure everything is good and nothing to be concern about.
Amber J.
on 4/8/11 4:54 am - Kirkland, WA
 Sounds exactly how I was at three weeks out. I had the worst taste in my mouth (I was worried it was thrush) that made everything I drank have a horrible aftertaste. Ugh, and my mouth tasted horrible waking up in the morning. The only thing I could drink good quantities of was tea. Especially spearmint or lemon ginger. It kind of blocks the bad taste and you don't get such a bad aftertaste.

 I'm just over 4 weeks out now and the bad taste is gone. I'm only a tiny bit sore on my left side still and only really notice it if I try to stretch my arms above my head or lay a certain way in bed. We're just still healing. :)

LilySlim - Personal pictureLilySlim Weight loss tickers


on 4/8/11 4:59 am - NC
OK great to hear was that hot tea or cold tea? Speaking of thrush my tongue looks like it is coated with something. Do I need to be concern is that why I have the funny taste in my mouth. Do I need to do something. Yea when I move a certain way it hurts. I know it is how I am laying in the bed. I have to sleep on my back and I am a stomche person.  
Amber J.
on 4/8/11 5:16 am - Kirkland, WA
 As far as I know thrush just goes away on its own but if you're worried it's something that you can talk to your doctor about. As for the tea, I drink both hot and cold but at first really cold stuff would make my stomach go nuts. Lots of gurgling. The hot tea really soothed my stomach and helped with nausea too. I can't drink plain water because it upsets my stomach quite a bit so I normally stick with things like Crystal Lite or Vitamin Water but I get tired of having all sweet stuff. Now I drink tea almost all the time.

LilySlim - Personal pictureLilySlim Weight loss tickers


Lady Lithia
on 4/8/11 5:25 am
If your tongue looks like it's been painted with cream-cheese, you probably need to haev your surgeon prescribe you some difulcan (sp) or something, it's painful and awful and you need to get a handle on it. I had it after my recent surgery.

The taste in your mouth is caused by ketosis, you burning fat, it's normal and will pass. Just gotta live iwth it.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
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on 4/8/11 5:14 am
 I had my surgery Mar. 29. I am getting in my vitamins by pouring the capsules in the protein shakes and using chewable or sublingual when possible. I am prioritizing and getting in protein drinks, liquids, and then the measured food amounts. I just dont feet like eating...  My tummy is sore to the touch especially on the left side. If I feel "not right" I either add liquid or protein right then and the feeling goes away. I have a "drawing feeling in the tummy area much like minor contractions, especially when I have been up a while. It is a reminder I need to rest. I am able to walk further than I have in three years as of yesterday. I quit taking the shots in the stomach for blood clots (SO glad!) I still wear my compression hose as much as possible but quit wearing the binder unless my tummy feels too weak after being up a long time.  Oh and I use Cocoa Butter Body Butter all over to keep the dry skin at bay...
on 4/8/11 5:22 am - NC
I am so glad I am not the only one feeling this way. It is so hard to eat and drink. I think I will try your method pouring the capsule in a protein drink. What I had to eat on my pre-op for my liquid diet I can't any think about eating. SOUPS, POPCILES, SLIM FAST SHAKES, PUDDINGS, JELLO AND CRYSTAL LIGHT EWEWEWEWEW MAKES ME SO SICK TO MY STOMACHE. I try to eat but my taste buds is not there yet Since my surgery March 18th I have lost almost 40 pounds. I don't know if that is good or bad with my track record in eating.
on 4/8/11 5:17 am
Ok, not glad you have the pain on the left side, but I am glad to hear that it is not just me. I thought I had damaged my suture line or something. I looked up a diagram, and right where that left side pain is, is where they connected our old stomachs to our intestines.

Hope the bad taste goes away for you.
on 4/8/11 5:23 am
 Don't feel bad. I have felt "paranoid" about all the aches and pains that have come along. I have kept in touch with someone else from my class who had her surgery two weeks ahead of me and she is still like that. I just wondered if anyone one else had the drawing feelings in the stomach.
on 4/8/11 5:40 am
I havnt had any drawing feelings, and it doesnt really sound normal. Of course, It could be, but I think I would post about this just to see what kind of response you get. I am totally curious now about this. I hope that it is 100 % normal. If not, I would be calling my surgeon.
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