Need advice - iron levels and endometrial ablation (TMI)

on 4/12/11 8:41 am - Canton, MI
I am having a couple of cervical polyps removed on May 5th.  While I was at my pre-op visit with my gyno, he suggested that he could do an ablation at the same time.  I wasn't really sure what it was and didn't know if I wanted one, so we talked about it and he said I could take a couple of weeks to decide.  I haven't complained of heavy bleeding, but since surgery I have more frequent periods - used to be 38-45 days, now 28-30 and they used to be about 6 days and are now 7-8 days.  I don't know if this is impacting my iron, but it isn't quite right yet and I'm taking extra iron.  My labs are below.  If I thought it would help my iron, I would do it.  If it is just for the convenience of not having as much bleeding, I don't know if I can rationalize that mentally.  I have been PCOS for most of my life and not had periods regularly.  It seems like a sign of my body functioning properly to have regular periods, I'd hate to do something to mess that up.  I'd like to hear your opinions on this.

        3 mo 6 mo 9 mo
Iron   49-167 ug/dL 80-100 31.0 31.0 52.0
Total iron binding capacity 250-450 ug/dL   297.0 318.0 309.0
Trans Sat 20-50 %   10.4 9.7 16.8
Ferritin 30-400 ng/ML 200-300 12.1 20.1 17.4
hemoglobin A1C 3.6 - 6.4     4.8 5.1  
on 4/12/11 8:53 am - OH
How much iron do you take and what kind?

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Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 4/12/11 8:58 am
If you are done having kids..this is the easiest surgery I ever had. No more periods. I had it done because I have anemia per Rny.
Deb T.


on 4/12/11 9:01 am - Canton, MI
I'm taking 120 from Bariatric Advantage - the chewable tablets.  I take it all at night now, since I have a latte every morning 30 minutes after breakfast. 
Pupcake !.
on 4/12/11 9:44 am - Stranded in, IA
I was having iron infusions until I had an ablation done.  They removed polyps at the same time.  Made a world of difference and it was an easy surg.

on 4/12/11 10:01 am - IA
I see my GYN next week,hoping to get this done. My periods post op are averaging 13 days long and are so heavy at times that I feel like a faucet is running, if you know what I mean.
on 4/13/11 12:56 am
I have had the ablation 7 months before my WLS.. I also have PCOS, I am filled with cysts, not as bad now, and my periods had been so messed up.. pain was awful with the periods that it was crippling and laid me in bed for days.. like mentioned, if your done with babie maker, do it, if your still opting to have a is a permenant sterlization, as it removed the lining of your uterus, there is different methods a Dr will use, and it burns it off, lasor, boiling water, one more I cant recall, but your knocked out, if they say spinal block.. DO NOT DO IT.. be asleep for it you do not want to smell the you will be able to go home same day, unless Dr says different.. and you will be given good pain meds, make sure no NSAIDS.. and you will be in pain the first few days, very sore, .. your Dr should given you pamphlets on this and explained the proceedure in detail.. and the method of removal for you to understand exactly what your agreeing to have done. Key is to trust your Dr, and your body. Read online as much as you can, and just like WLS, this is no going be sure this is what you need..but.. I am so glad I had it done, no more periods, and less pain..and save money on tampons and Good luck on your decision.

~Failure is not trying~ Success is not given, but earned~
SW: 283lbs/HW: 287lbs/current 168lbs/NEWGOAL: 155lbs  
Living with PCOS/Fibromyalgia/Arthritis/MultipleSpinal-Hip Injuries/conditions
Hysterectomy 02/06/2012

on 4/13/11 2:38 am - Bay Minette, AL
I had the endometrial ablation because, I was anemic before rny surgery and they wouldn't let me go any further with bad iron levels.  My doctor suggested a hysterectomy but I said no.  So I tried this.  Had surgery on Feb.24, 2010 and the gyno found fibroids when he went in.  Anyway to make a long story short, I still have periods every month they are still heavy(lighten up a little), I have to still wear a pad(overnights) and tampon(super or super plus) and still change very frequently.  So to me it was not the best decision for the problem.  I am going to make me an appt. with my gyno to see what is going on.  This is my experience, it may work for you.

on 4/13/11 10:30 am - Canton, MI

Timeka - What method of ablation did you have?  Was it the Novasure, or some other method?

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