I want to sing again.....

Jeanie B.
on 4/19/11 4:53 am - TX
Before you get down to it let me warn you...... I am going to cry and whine a little bit here.

I used to be able to sing. I used to sing everything from Opera to Rock & Roll to the Classics. Since I have gained so much weight, I have absolutely no breath support. I can no longer hold a long note for very long. Let me explain....

A few months ago my little sister got engaged and asked if I would sing an Italian love song at her wedding (it is opera) as she walked down the isle. Of course, I said yes! As I have been working on this song and trying to perfect the quality, I realized something. I can't hold a note. I still have sound, but no breath support.  I went and talked with my vocal coach this afternoon, He stated that because I have gained so much weight, my diaphragm can not function properly..... OMG. I just cried and cried. I recorded the song and sent it to my sister, she said I sounded wonderful, but all I hear is lousy air support and faulty notes when my air runs out.

My coach also told me that if the weight doesn't come off that I could have problems else where as well. I have sung all my life, and now I am at a loss. 

Yes I know, I am just whining, but I can't wait till this surgery and I can sing again....

Jeanie B.
on 4/19/11 5:01 am - Dayton, OH
Good luck to you!  I have always loved music and loved singing (although I have always been a mediocre talent).  I too can't hold notes and am gasping for air after singing for a short period.  It sounds as though you have considerable talent, I pray that you will be able to sing the way you want to again. 

Life is just a stage I'm going through...
HW:253  SW: 230  CW: 170  GW: 140


Jeanie B.
on 4/19/11 5:05 am - TX
Thank you Joyce. I think my mother had me in singing lessons before I could talk LOL. I am just ready to be myself again. I feel as though an imposter has taken over my body..... I know that my not make sence.
on 4/19/11 5:04 am
I know you are looking forward to having the surgical tool to help you lose weight.  However, fat people can sing- as evidenced by the old (and rude) addage:  it ain't over till the fat lady sings.

Don't fret, you will get there.  The diaphram is a muscle, you can make it stronger.  I think your coach may be a bit thick headed.
Jeanie B.
on 4/19/11 5:07 am - TX
I think you maybe right....about my coach. He is kinda stuck in his ways. Opera has always been difficult. I just haven't done it in so long....at least in public. I always sound great in the shower and car. LOL

I am just worried I will disappoint my little sister on her big day.
on 4/19/11 5:14 am
You know she won't be disappointed, no matter what.  In the meantime, you can practice increasing your strength and wind.
on 4/19/11 5:37 am - Madison, AL
You don't have to wait until surgery to start improving your life (and your singing.)  Walking regularly will increase your stamina and help with your breathing. Start now, if you don't already walk on a regular basis. If you do, increase your distance and/or speed. It will also help you post-surgery, because you'll be in better shape for recovery.

You can also start losing weight before surgery. Work on changing your diet to a high-protein, low carb diet like you'll be following after surgery. Even losing a few pounds will help with your energy and stamina. And again, it will make things easier for you after surgery if you can make these changes before surgery.

Even if you don't do anything,  your sister and her wedding guests will hear the love in your voice and will believe your singing is beautiful!
Jeanie B.
on 4/19/11 7:03 am - TX
I walk 2.5 to 4 miles 5 days a week. My doc has put me on a very strict diet of high protein and veggies. So far (1 week in on diet) I have lost 3 lbs. He doesn't want me walking any more than what I already do.

Thank you for your kind words about the wedding.
on 4/19/11 7:44 am
When is the wedding, and when is your surgery?  I'm sure your voice will sound just beautiful.  I love to sing too, and I have a decent voice - not an "American Idol" by any means, and not as trained as yours, but I get by.  In my experience, people who don't "know" music, which is the majority of folks, are impressed by anyone who can sing better than they can.  Putting it in perspective, I'm sure your voice will knock their socks off, but much more importantly, your sister will always remember how you added to the most special day in her life.  You have a gift to give her that she'll remember long after the blender is broken, the toaster gives out and the towels are rags.
   SW:  285   GW:  155    CW:  143          
Jeanie B.
on 4/25/11 4:25 am - TX

I am so sorry I didn't see your reply till now. (I have been off line fore a few days)

Your words brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much.

The wedding is July 2nd. I haven't gotten the surgery approved yet, but soon I hope.

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