Skin Tags

on 4/24/11 4:58 am
I have noticed in the last couple of years as I have gotten older and wider I have develpoed skin tags or (moles) in my armpits.  Is this common?  Is this something to be worried about?  Should this be discussed with WL surgeron or my PCM?
on 4/24/11 5:23 am
Hi Kim.  I get them all the time on my neck, under my breasts and in my armpits.  I went to a doctor about them when I was 22 and was told that they're harmless and that if they bothered me I could cut them off at home or have them cut off.  Over the years I have cut many off at home.  There is very little (if any pain).  I have found that using a pair of fingernail clippers that have been sterilized with alcohol works best.  That being said I still have to pull along with cut at the same time. 
I do think you should have them checked out first just to be safe.  Also I don't recommend cutting them at home if you're bothered by the sight of blood because even though they're just little they bleed profusely.  I have 3 under my breasts right now that are quite large and I am going to have the doc cut those because of their size. 
I read quite a while back that skin tags are more common in people that carry extra weight.  I am hoping once I get to a normal weight I don't have as many to deal with.  Good luck :)
Alice P.
on 4/24/11 5:37 am
I use to have them-I  have always gone to the dermatologist and had them cut off- it's relatively painless and he can cauterize them so they don't bleed at all. 
 HW 278 SW 259 GW 170 CW 142 Ht 5ft 6


on 4/24/11 5:39 am
I have had about 3 in my life and have had 2 removed by a doctor. There was little to no bleeding and they healed beautifully with no scars. The scarring was important because one was just under my lower eye lid and one on my neck. My PCP and my gyno have both told me that they can happen from friction from being overweight, but they are more hereditary than anything. My mother started developing them at around 20 years old and so I am expecting more to come. She has had at least 20 frozen off as I have mine burned off. With freezing them, the doctor does the freezing and then you go home and wait for it to fall off. She has had scarring. Mine have been burnt off with a cautery wand that cuts through it with heat and seals off all the blood vessels as it goes so no bleeding. Good luck
I only strive to be, the kind of person my dogs think I am!                               

Of the choices we are given, it's no choice at all....
                                             -Patty Griffin
Michelle L.
on 4/24/11 5:53 am - Phoenix, AZ
Oh good! It's not just me. I have them in my armpits, on my chest, and even one on my neck. Aaagggh. I have a big one on my chest that I swear is about to become sentient.

I'm waiting until I hit goal, and then I'm having my doc take all of them off. I'm too chicken to do it myself.
psx chelly
on 4/24/11 6:50 am
If your not into cutting your body.. investigate Compound W Freeze Off.  I used to have one that was in a bad spot right by the stretchy part of my bra.... I googled it, and there was some interesting information on Compound W Freeze Off and how to do it.

I am not going to tell you how to do it, because I dont want to be responsible for any mistakes you might make.

good luck.
on 4/24/11 8:55 am - Ontario, CA
Skin tags are common. The only time I've ever had a problem with one was back when I wore glasses (before laser surgery). It developed on the side of mt nose right where the the glasses rested. It became irritated and irritated me so I had the doctor take it off in his office.
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