Endoscopy scope done... and Results

on 4/29/11 12:01 pm - Camby, IN
 I had my scope today... I've posted on here about not keeping foods and liquids down. The reults? Slight tightness in the opening of the pouch... they opened it up. AND the beginning of 3 ulcers as well. So I'm prescribe Carafate 4 times a day, some nausea medication, and more pain medication.

Thank you all for the kind thoughts and well wishes. :) I love my OH Family!

Follow me on my blog!!! www.fittingmethin.blogspot.com


on 4/29/11 12:06 pm - Marietta, OH
I am glad to hear that they found out what was going on !  I have been thinking about u and have been looking for your update.  Good luck in moving forward !!
Tessie W.
on 4/29/11 12:07 pm
It's good to know what you are battling!  Hang in there and hope you feel better soon!
on 4/29/11 1:06 pm - FL
 sending well wishes your way feel better soon!
on 4/30/11 10:09 am - IL

Glad to hear that they found the problem. I hope you get to feeling better soon!

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