
Troy Roberts
on 5/9/11 5:59 am - CO
Is anyone else haveing this problem ,i cant seem to eat leftovers . I have tryed reheating everway you can think of and they just wont stay down .Any advice would be great thank you for any help you can give. Troy
on 5/9/11 6:13 am - Raleigh, NC
I have very little success with meat as leftovers, no matter what kind.  Especially chicken.  I can eat leftover chili and spaghetti sauce.  I can usually eat vegetables/carbs such as beans, peas, corn, etc.
on 5/9/11 6:18 am - Malmstrom AFB, MT

Hi Troy,
Even people who haven't had our surgery struggle with eating leftovers. Personally, I have found that not matter HOW I reheat chicken, a) the texture gets yucky, b) the color looks weird and c) I can't eat it. I have four other members in my family, and they feel the same way, so I try to avoid "having a second act" by making only what we will eat THAT night. If you live alone, I know that's hard. But there are a lot of recipes and cookbooks for WLS patients. If you can't eat leftovers, then the only thing to do is to create less food, only however much you're going to eat, in the original meal. Even with other people in the house, we were throwing away a LOT of food because leftovers just wouldn't get eaten. Could you maybe try for foods that don't NEED to be reheated? Like tuna, or lunch meat slices, cold soups, etc?

RNY March 21, 2011!! I'm feeling great!!
Busy Mommy of 4, Proud USAF Wife, Quilter, and TRIATHLETE!!               
psx chelly
on 5/9/11 6:21 am

I am also unsucessful with leftovers.  I made taco salad meat yesterday which was ground chicken breast and taco seasoning, with shredded lettuce tomatoe and cheese.  i took a couple bites and the meat just seems to sit there.

But its like that for me with most leftovers if it involves meat... not sure why.
Paul C.
on 5/9/11 6:22 am - Cumming, GA
I for one can say I don't have this problem.  I will eat the same thing for lunch and dinner for a week if it lasts that long.  Now some leftovers I do have issue with, like Seafood.
Paul C.
First 5K 9/27/20 46:32 - 11 weeks post op  (PR 28:55 8/15/11)
First 10K 7/04/2011 1:03      
      First 15K 9/18/2011 1:37
First Half Marathon 10/02/2011 2:27:44 (
PR 2:24:35)   
First Half Ironman 9/30/12 7:32:04
on 5/9/11 6:23 am - Malmstrom AFB, MT
Okay, now I'm thinking... What if it was something that started off as one thing, and then the leftovers BECOME a different dish? Like, what if it was roast beef tonight, and you used the leftover meat to make beef stir fry tomorrow? Kind of "trick" your mind into seeing something different the second go round? Do you guys think that would work? Now I'm going to be thinking of "This becomes That" meals for the rest of the day...
RNY March 21, 2011!! I'm feeling great!!
Busy Mommy of 4, Proud USAF Wife, Quilter, and TRIATHLETE!!               
on 5/9/11 6:41 am - CA
When I have leftovers I usually make them into a new dish instead of just heating them up. You can pretty much make a cassarole out of anything. With chicken I shread it up and make tacos or burritos for the family, the same can be done with beef, pork, or even chicken. You can also make a stew/chili out of leftovers. This way they get more moisture and have a different flavor.
RNY- 2/18/2011

on 5/9/11 6:49 am
I haven't had problems with leftovers.  I still however can't eat a scrambled egg without feeling stuck.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining



on 5/9/11 5:30 pm
If I didn't eat leftovers I wouldn't have anything to eat most days.   I like the idea of cooking once and eating for several days.
My daughter, on the other hand, will not eat anything that isn't made fresh.  Princess.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

Troy Roberts
on 5/12/11 11:59 am - CO
Thank you guys and gals for the input . Hope it gets better but still loving life here would not change a thing .
As for food i still can't eat chicken or eggs of any kind . Is it just me or does everyone have this problem. Thank you guys . Troy
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