what to expect for weight loss?

on 5/16/11 8:07 pm - NH
I had my surgery one week ago to day and was actually UP six pounds when i got home and am only 2 pounds lower that when I went in for surgery !!  I am  pretty disappointed.  How did others find the weight loss right after surgery/
on 5/16/11 8:16 pm
that is all the waterweight from the IVs....make sure you are following your surgeon's plan for water, protein, eating and exercise and you will soon start loosing more rapidly.  Your body takes a little time to heal both from the surgery and the shock of the new lfestyle.
on 5/16/11 8:19 pm - IN
Don't be siappointed.  That is tipacal, because of the water weight.  The weight loss will start before you know it and in a month you will be down 20-30 lbs.  Then you will probally have a stall, as your body goes into starvation mode and tries to hang onto everything. 

Don't get discouraged, follow your Surgeons and NUTS plan and you will do great.  Today is 1 year from from surgury and this is the best gift I have ever given myself.  Welcome to the losers bench and hang in there.  It does get better.  So will your life and health.

God Bless,



Price S.
on 5/16/11 8:47 pm, edited 5/16/11 8:49 pm - Mills River, NC
What they both said.

http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/information/planner +results.php

This will give you some ideas of what to expect as you go. Bookmark it because you may want to look along the way.

    LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat  66 yrs young, 4'11"  hw  220, goal 120 met at 12 months, cw 129 learning Maintainance

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Jennifer M.
on 5/16/11 9:53 pm
The day I left the hospital I weighed 10 lbs more than the day of surgery. So many bags of saline they gave me while there. So yes its water. You will start to see the weight coming off...no worries. Congrats on your surgery!!! :)
(deactivated member)
on 5/16/11 11:21 pm - Boston, MA
 It's just from the IV fluid, I was up 15 lbs a week post op.. look at my stats now, it will come off, just be patient!!
on 5/16/11 11:41 pm - NH
I am feeling better after reading everyone's posts.  Very anxious to start seeing the fruits of all the hard work Ihave put into this entire process !  Seeing a gain was devastating, didn't expect that.  They shoud warn us about that !
on 5/16/11 11:37 pm
Agree with the above responses - but I was unprepared for the swelling in my belly immediately post op. I came home looking about 8 months pregnant for a week or two!

Through this process, remember that right now your body is in a healing mode. You will lose weight in these first few weeks, but the focus has to be on simply healing the massive internal "work" that has been done.

After that, you will probably have moments when you are impatient with your loss. After all, we had SURGERY, right? And we want to lose the weight....NOW. Or better yet, YESTERDAY!!!

I found it helpful to measure my progress in several ways. I kept a journal and on the monthly anniversary of my surgery I wrote down the following:
Band underneath bustline
Upper arm
Above knee

And clothing sizes have also been a helpful way to asesss progress for me. On my "fat feeling" days I can remind myself that I am wearing a size 6 or 8 in most things. I don't always see it at all, even after almost 2 years. I do recommend that you keep one of your outfits from your heaviest weight, just as a reminder. I didn't see myself as being as heavy as I was at my top weight, and it is simply unbelievable to me now to realize that I took the size I once did.
on 5/17/11 1:21 am - Newton, IL
I also looked 9 months pregnant when I left the hospital.   Plus my feet were swollen up to the size of footballs, my hands were swollen, everything was swollen!!!    Tha****er weight will come off in no time, just do what you need to do.    Totally understand the disappointment though, coming home you expect to see those losses starting and it's disappointing when they don't start immediately!!!

on 5/17/11 1:49 am
First of all - they pump you full of liquids in the hospital. It will take some time to get rid of that. You didn't gain all your weight in a week - you're not going to lose it in a short period of time. You should lose about 28-30 pounds the first month. Drink lots of water to flush your system and eat exactly what your doc suggests. It will come off - patience is the name of the game, In the end you'll be at goal and may be happier if you lose slower. Your skin and body can catch up when you're not losing. It's not a race - It's a lifestyle change and it takes a while for our bodies to catch up. Good Luck - and hang in there.
Jen 9 + yrs post op RNY
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