Suddenly unable to eat much/poop post

on 5/15/11 9:01 am
So what I thought was a fluke seems to be a problem these last few days. I get full after only one or two bites... small bites, Saturday I couldn't eat lunch at all, but managed to get down a little dinner and a little breakfast, nothing else. I think this started Wednesday or so of last week. I had to take a laxative for several days, ended up with diahrea from it (or so I thought) but since then I've been constipated in the day and diahrea at night. And, TMI, but my poo has been VERY stinky, and I had gas really bad last night.

I hurt just below my sternum after I "eat" a bite or two, and sometimes if i drink too fast. I am getting in enough liquids. Also getting burpy/stomach spasms after eating. Any ideas?

A little history:
RnY Aug 3, 2010, gall bladder out 12/31/10; marginal ulcer 3 weeks out, suspected another ulcer about 2 months out. Hospitalized 3 times due to tummy pain, once due to pain in the same location as now but much worse. They never figured out what was wrong, that time. Hmmm... have been stalled about 6 weeks but have suddenly started to lose again, and fast (5 lbs over the weekend, since thursday morning to tonight, Sunday). Second or third time hospitalized, they said my digestive tract was moving too slow and put me on a med for 6 weeks, along with the carafate we all love so much.

That's all the details I can think of, please let me know if you have any idea what might be going on.

Art is the only way to run away without leaving home. -Twyla Tharp
on 5/15/11 9:05 am - Canada
Have you been checked for a stricture?
     Dr. Nohr in Medicine Hat.  Open RNY March 28 2011.  Start weight 253 current weight 122.       
on 5/15/11 9:09 am - Windsor, Canada
I suggest calling your surgeon, or going to your doctor/emergency room. That is what they are there for, and it's better to be safe then sorry.
on 5/15/11 5:50 pm
I didn't go to the ER last night, I am waiting to call the dr this morning, as early as possible which is about 9:15. I have the feeling they will send me to the ER and admit me again, and run a battery of tests. Joy Joy!
Art is the only way to run away without leaving home. -Twyla Tharp
on 5/16/11 1:46 am
I tried to eat this morning, and managed 2 bites. What is wrong with me? My surgeon is not in today, but his associate is supposed to call me back before noon. The stomach antispasmotic has worn off and the pain has returned. Ugh!
Art is the only way to run away without leaving home. -Twyla Tharp
on 5/16/11 7:20 pm - Suffern, NY
Based on what you are describing - get full real fast, constipation without the laxitives, you said when you were hospitalized they said your digestive system was moving too slow - all this put together and it sounds like Gastroparesis or delayed gastric emptying.  This is a digestive disorder when your food moves very slow through your system causing many problems including the ones you describe and there are other symptoms that I can't remember.  I have this also.  In some it causes heartburn and reflux because the backup of food causes excess acid which could be the cause of your ulcers.  The treatment for Gastroparesis is usually Reglan or there is also another medication but I don't know the name of it.  I used Reglan which is the most popular treatment but unfortunately some people have side effects from it.  I never had any and it worked great for me.  I recently went off of it when I had some other complictions and needed surgery and luckily so far I haven't needed to go back on it.

I would make an appointment with a Gastroenterologist and ask about Gastroparesis and reglan.


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