Surgeon says it's common??

on 5/22/11 12:44 pm
To date, I've not doubted my Surgeon and I am not doubting her now, but I would like to know if any of you have experienced a very sharp/burning pain (almost like your insides are ripping in half) just about two inches below the largest incision site?  I have this intense "ripping/sharp/burning" pain  only when I move about.  Especially, when I move from up to down and vice versa and lay on either side.  It seems to help if I hold myself in, but that doesn't always work.  I must say that the pain is crippling at times.  

I talked to my Doc this morning and she said that this is a common pain, and that I should take my pain meds, use heat or cold whichever feels best, and don't worry it will go away. 

My last pain medication was last Monday night until Friday when this pain started occuring, so there was some good time without any pain. 

Did this happen to any of you, and if so, when did it subside??

Thanks again!!  

on 5/22/11 12:56 pm - MD
I am 6 days post op and i get that sometimes.. mine it crippling sorry i dont think it helps but maybe its something....
on 5/22/11 12:59 pm
It does help to know it's happening to someone else.  Mine isn't sometimes though ... it's a sometimes when it doesn't hurt.  Sigh. 
Lady Lithia
on 5/22/11 1:02 pm
Merlinda, I had a pulling sensation on my left side for about six weeks..... the pain subsided. If it gets really bad, call your surgeon again.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 5/22/11 1:06 pm
Thank you Lady Lithia ~ Did the pulling really hurt?  I'm baffled and to be honest I flinched a little when you said to call the surgeon again.  She was really kind, but also had a "this is normal" attitude.  I thought perhaps I didn't do a good job describing how much it hurt.  Though since it doesn't hurt all the time (resting) nor do I have any other symptoms (fever, vomitting,) she is pretty casual about it.  I did figure I would wait a few days and if no improvement, I'd get to being squeeky again.  
on 5/22/11 1:06 pm
I had the same pain in the same area. I had an RNY on oct 22 and I had all sorts of test and they found nothing and in Jan I had an exploratory surgery and they found an adhesion that was wrapped around a nerve. They fixed that and believe it or not the pain was still there. The surgeon gave me a shot of lidocaine at one of my office visits and the pain went away but only for 6 hrs. So he prescribed me lidocaine patches. I would wear them for 12 hrs a day until one day the pain just went away. My surgeon said that it just takes time for nerves to heal. Give it time, it will go away.
on 5/22/11 1:08 pm
Okay ... give it time.  YIKES!!!  LOL!  
on 5/22/11 1:08 pm
I had a bad pain for about 6 weeks where my largest incision was. I told my doctor at the time and he said "if you knew what I did in there you'd probably be in a lot more pain". Not a big help at the time of course! I've heard other people complain of in one area for a long time. Just everything inside healing I think.
RNY 2/8/11

Becky D.
on 5/22/11 2:18 pm - CA
I had that burning pain as well.
It would happen when I stood up to walk.
It went away within the first few weeks.
Christina D.
on 5/22/11 2:56 pm - Flagstaff, AZ
The only time that i really got any pain after surgery was when I was over doing it. 

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