What to expect!

ashli H.
on 5/23/11 11:53 am - NY
I am sot of scared to be having surgery! Can anyone gove me some insight on the details? Thank You!
psx chelly
on 5/23/11 12:03 pm

If you've never had surgery before, it will be a little overwhelming for you, only because of all the activity around you when they are prepping you and whatnot.  I had like 6 surgeries on my left knee last year, so I am pro.  the only thing I have a hard time with is the anesthesia.  But if you get sick from anesthesia, they have stuff now thats really awesome and makes you *not get sick.

Usually you have to get to the hosp a little early, then they call you to the back when its close to your turn.  You totally undress behind the curtain, and they start to prep you.  You get a gown (heated hopefully).  Then you get in the bed, and they cover you up with the heated blankies.
Then you tell the nurse your nervous, and she will tell you that the anesthesia guy is coming, and to tell him and he will "help" you.  So then you get interviewed by the anesthesia guy, and you tell him your nervous, and he says how much, and you tell him your scared silly.  he will tell the nurse to get you IV line in, and he will "help" you out once its in.
Once your IV is in, you sign some more paperwork, hopefully your surgeon comes to say hi, and that everything will be fine.
Then you might meet the head nurse.  Then you remind the anesthesia guy your nervous, and he gives you something to relax.  You tell the anesthesia guy to pretty please not let you see the operating room, and generally they help you out with that.
You wake up a few hours later in the recovery room with the nurses telling you to wake up and asking you how your breathing.  They make sure nothing is wrong, then they wheel you to your room.

Thats pretty much how it went for me all 6 times, and also with my WLS.

I am sure i might have missed a little here and there.  thats the news at 11 version.

ashli H.
on 5/23/11 12:08 pm - NY
Lol! That was so detailed! :) Thank you I'll be sure to tell him to help me to relax. Can I ask you how much weight you've lost so far?
(deactivated member)
on 5/23/11 12:12 pm - NY
This is how it went for me, I'm sure all dr's/hospitals are different.

I checked in and then went and sat in the family room until they called me in. I was weighed then I undressed and washed my belly with a special sponge and then was placed in a bed where I was hooked up to a few machines, had an IV put in, temp taken. The nurse asked me a few questions, then my family came in. I spoke with the anesthesiologist and the surgeon and then it was time, I was wheeled into the operating room and they asked me to move from my stretcher to the operating table. It's very cold in there, I laid down and I was placed with my arms out and strapped down and that's about all I remember. My husband said my surgery was about 1 1/2 hours and then I was in recovery 2 hours until I woke up and they were allowed back in. I remember being thirsty and although you really aren't allowed anything, the nurse allowed me a few ice chips. I had cuffs on my legs like a blood pressure cuff that kept going off, that's so you don't get blood clots. I found sleeping in my room much more comfortable with an extra pillow under my stomach, I was also more comfy with my head down and my feet up, play around with the bed to find your level of comfort. They will tell you to walk as much as you can, do it at your own pace. I also had to exercise my lungs with some type of "toy". It hurt alot but I did as much as I could. You will most likely feel that you need to pee, when your catheter comes out and its an annoying feeling, but there really isn't anything there. 

Everything will be fine, good luck :)
ashli H.
on 5/23/11 12:22 pm - NY
Thank You! This is really helpful doesn't quite calm the nerves but goves me an idea :)
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