on 6/12/11 12:59 am - franklin park, NJ

Morning everyone  what is CLICK??  i saw on another post i am thinking it is some sort of protein coffee substitute?? is that correct and can you make it into ice coffee i am not a coffee drinker but i do like ice coffee and i am taking notes on  what liquids i may be able to try or stay away from post OP thanks  i have also visited some web sites as Bariatric Advantage and Celebrate vitamins if anyone has any other sites please share for  us newbies  thanks.

Cheryl Allan
on 6/12/11 1:30 am - Canada
Click is a protein coffe drink and I  prefer it cold it seems to taste better to me cold rather than has 150 calories, 15 proteins and 4 carbs......I dont have many sites and Im in canada so probaly not good for you lol
Cheryl Allan

HW...355......SW....322...CW 281

on 6/12/11 2:33 am - Granada Hills, CA

It's coffee with protein. Some people might complain about the number of carbs, but as long as you're not using it for your main source of protein supplements, it should be fine as a treat. The ones i drink are 15g of protein, 13 carbs/7 sugars. - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


on 6/12/11 6:57 am - CA
I posted this on someone else's last night. I think it might help you too.

I didn't know which one I would like best so when I saw someone post a sale, I got both. I went to because they were selling them for $18.89 each and if you bought 2 tubs, you got free shipping.

2 scoops is one serving, but it was way too strong for me to add both scoops.

First I tried the Mocha flavor and MAN it was strong (and I only used 1 scoop)! I mixed 8oz of 1%milk with 5 pieces of ice, 1 scoop of the mocha Click, 1 scoop of About Time Mint Mocha protein powder, and 1tsp benifiber in a blender. It was REALLY strong, so I added about 4-6 more ounces of milk. Then it was really good. I think it would have been better if I added some sugar free chocolate syrup though. I also think that it would have been better with plain chocolate protein powder, but I didn't have any. this one was about 47g of protein. (15 from the milk, 25 from the protein powder, and 7 from the Click because 1 scoop is only half of a serving)

Then the next day I made a shake with the Vanilla Latte mix. I mixed 8oz. 1% milk, 5 ice cubes, 1 scoop About Time Birthday Cake protein powder, 1 scoop of the Vanilla Latte Click powder, 1tsp sugar-free DaVinci caramel syrup, & 1tsp benifiber in a blender. Then I topped with whipped cream and the squeezable sugar-free caramel ice cream topping syrup. It reminded me of a caramel frappe from McDonald's. I loved it and thought it was AMAZING!!! It would have also been great with just plain vanilla protein powder. It was about 41g of protein.

Long story short, I like them both, but if I could only reorder 1, it'd be the Vanilla Click. Then again, I'm not a huge coffee fan. I don't like coffee as a drink, I only like iced coffees and frappes.

HW:340 SW: 292 CW:164 GW: 140-130

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