on 6/12/11 5:55 am - franklin park, NJ
I wanted to share with you a name of a medicine to ask your doctor about,  it is to protect your gallbladder  from harm  due to rapid weight loss  it is called URSO FORTE  have any one heard or doctor prescribed this for them?

I have an excellent surgeon and he is doing all he can to help me along with my up coming surgery  RNY to make sure I am at the best health I can possibly be in so that I can have little to no complications after surgery   i do not know how many doctors are prescribing this medicine for their patients and with the rapid weight loss maybe that is why so many are having gallbladder problems.

This is a Doctor only prescription not something over the counter.  google it  and then ask your surgeon or PCP about it and whatever stage you are at maybe it can help or maybe not  just wanted to put it out there.

Have a great day.
on 6/12/11 7:34 am - philadelphia, PA
My surgeon prescribed this too. The name of mine is actigall and the generic is urisidol. It is recomended to take it for the first 6 months due to rapid weight loss.
on 6/12/11 7:39 am
In my opinion.... I would rather have my galbladder removed (which I did) than to take a chemical that may or may not be good for me in the long run.

RNY 5-5-2011

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