Not Happy at ALL!

ashli H.
on 6/23/11 11:33 am - NY
So it's been nearly 3 weeks since my surgery and everytime i step onto that scale i do not see my weight changing at all!! And I know people say that losing 15lbs in 2 weeks is incredible, but it is very discouraging! I don't know what to do or think! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP :(
Sw: 241 Weight on SD: 221 GW: 130        
on 6/23/11 11:45 am
So you've lost 15 pounds in nearly 3 weeks and you aren't happy?  Could you of done that on your own without surgery and kept it off?

Sweetie, your body has just been through a major trauma.  Our stomachs are cut, our bowels are moved around and then when we just start to heal we aren't getting anywhere near the amount of food our bodies are used to. 

If losing 15 pounds in 2 weeks and the scale not moving during week 3 is really distressing you then stay the heck off the scale.  Sorry if I sound like a ***** but it is what it is.  Don't let that number rule you or rule how you feel about your journey.  What I can promise is that if you continue to follow your surgeons plan the weight WILL come off.  If I sound *****y I apologize, but week after week someone is posting that they are stalled at 2,3,4 weeks out.  

Please try to remember the trauma your body has been through.  It takes months for our bodies to fully recover from everything.  Just make sure to get your protein in, get your water and vitamins and exercise.  If you do those things I promise the weight will come off.  Try to remember that it may not come off all at once.  You may even have times you gain, perfectly normal

Sorry this is not as well though as I would normally type.  YOu are not alone though.  We've all been there, but it helps so muhc if you stop obsessing.

 HW-240, SW-233, CW-158, GW 135 @ 5'3.5"
RNY April 2011, Reversal August 2011.  
I still have a pouch so I'm a hybrid.

on 6/23/11 12:12 pm - MI
I hope I remember this when I finally have my surgery........such good advise!!!
on 6/23/11 11:48 am
I'm sure you will see results continuously in due time. You  had surgery not too long ago and need time to heal.

pre-op chick..2cc

       I know what i'm doing,I have it all planned-plans to give you the future you hope for.Jeremiah 29:11(The Message)
With God's Will, I was approved!


Holly O.
on 6/23/11 11:49 am - FL
I think your doing terrific!!  Maybe you should just weigh in once a week and keep up all the good things you are doing during the week!  Our bodies have gone through a lot.  It will come off....just to relax and focus on all the positives!!  -Holly
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 6/23/11 11:50 am - OH
Stop stepping on the scale.  Seriously.  If you are expecting to lose weight every single day (a surprising number of people DO expect this), you are going to be disappointed and stressed out.  If you are going to let what the scale says get you this upset, you are going to drive yourself crazy because weight loss after RNY is a very haphazard thing... some weeks you will lose a lot and some weeks (or several weeks in a row) you will lose nothing at all.  Just accept the randomness of it all, continue doing what YOU are supposed to be doing (protein, water, vitamins, exercsie), limit how often you weigh yourself, and relax.  Save yourself a lot of unnecessary frustration.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 6/23/11 11:51 am, edited 6/23/11 11:52 am
Hang in there.

I'm a week ahead of you and I had a stall during that time too where the scale didn't budge. I think I stalled from weeks 2 -4. It seemed like forever.

Focus on your protein, exercise, and stick to the plan and you'll see it on the scale soon enough.

My surgeon explained it to me as my body restoring the glycogen that I lost during the pre-op diet and the first phases of the post-op diet. In addition to that, he said right now a lot of the protein is being used to rebuild muscle mass that was lost during the same period. He asked if I could "feel" any less weight, and I definitely could. I had to poke some new holes in a belt and eventually go buy a new one. Basically I was losing inches and weight, but because I was simultaneously adding back muscle mass the results weren't visible on the scale.

Do your thing and it will work. I promise.
ashli H.
on 6/23/11 12:10 pm - NY
Thanks Guys! I guess when  it's put into perspective like that, I feel much better! Honesty is the best policy and I will try my hardest to stay POSITIVE! Thanks for the support and advice
Sw: 241 Weight on SD: 221 GW: 130        
on 6/23/11 12:29 pm - Dover, NH
On June 23, 2011 at 7:10 PM Pacific Time, AshliHarris93 wrote:
Thanks Guys! I guess when  it's put into perspective like that, I feel much better! Honesty is the best policy and I will try my hardest to stay POSITIVE! Thanks for the support and advice
You are doing great and I am glad you are feeling better about things.  Honestly, you can't help but lose weight with RNY.  The harder part of the journey is at the end, when it might be 1 lb a month that you are losing and when you are at the point where you are learning to maintain your weight loss.

A realistic view of your expectations early in the process is SO DARN IMPORTANT to establish so that later in your journey you can put things in perspective.

We all felt this way in the beginning - Will it work?  What am I doing wrong?

If you stick with your doctor's program, you will do just fine.

on 6/23/11 12:29 pm
I understand your fustration. I had my surgery one month ago today and I have only lost over 30 pounds. I exercise everyday doing Zumba, kickboxing, etc. I eat my protein and I dont see the scale moving like it should. I guess I am expecting it to happen overnight. I look at everyone else's weight loss and compare and ask myself what am I doing wrong!!!

When I came home from the hospital, I didnt lose anything for 2 weeks so I called my doctor.
He told me to remove all the scales from the house.
Needless to say-I never did.

I am glad someone feels the same as I do!!
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