Help! Important question!

ashli H.
on 8/2/11 11:44 pm - NY
Is my not excersisng affecting my weight lost? Because everytime I lose weight I get stuck at that weight for weeks and the scale won't move !
Sw: 241 Weight on SD: 221 GW: 130        
on 8/3/11 12:37 am - Morgan Hill, CA
I have lost 100 pounds, and I haven't picked up a weight, pedaled a bike, swum a lap, walked any more than I normally do, nothin'! What will affect your weight loss, AT THIS TIME, is not getting in your 80-100 grams of protein, and 8-10 glasses of water. The more you get in, the more that comes off, I know, it's weird, and it's messing with your brain, but that's the way it works. If you think you're doing yourself a favor by skimping on your imtake, all you're really doing is slowing down the weight coming off. What exercise WILL affect, AT THIS POINT, is how you're body looks and feels as you lose. You're gonna be more toned, more strong, and feel probably generally better if you exercise. Once you hit your 18 months, whole 'nother story, the weight loss 'free for all' is over, and you will have to work at maintaining your new weight, especially if you increase your food intake. I have been waiting til I got to 100 pounds lost to start my gym routine... Considering I am still a little over 300, I didn't want to overdue it. But, maaan, these bat wings have GOT to go! So gym, here I come.
Highest weight :412, Weight on surgery day (5/2/11): 370.
ashli H.
on 8/3/11 12:42 am - NY

I have bat wings too! And it's so ironic that i have to force myself to eat to lose weight? and it's very difficult to get in all that protein but i guess i gotta step my game up! Thanks for sharing  and congratulations on 100 lb. lost~ Can't wait till i can say that !!!

Sw: 241 Weight on SD: 221 GW: 130        
Kim S.
on 8/3/11 12:58 am - Helena, AL

I started working out 6 months before surgery at 324 lbs, 5 days a week, mixing weights and cardio.  I've never stopped......this month makes 3 full years I've been a regular exerciser (now I do it 6 days a week).

Yes, I have extra skin, but the muscle tone makes it look so much better.  Also, for the ENTIRE 1ST YEAR AFTER SURGERY I LOST WEIGHT EVERY SINGLE WEEK.  Not one stall.  I hit goal at 13 months and have been there since.

Increasing muscles increases metabolism because you need more fuel to support muscle.  Once hunger returns, you'll need to be in a regular routine of exercise to maintain your weight.

The first year, you'll lose no matter long you keep it off will be directly related to the permanent lifestyle changes you made during that 1st year.

on 8/3/11 8:27 am
good Advise!  so now Im sure I could get my last 25lbs off!  I hope....
on 8/3/11 1:55 am - Hyattsville, MD
Im the same as jacobs mom.  I DID sell my car in my 6 month insurance waiting process so I walk EVERYWHERE but I havent done ANY formal exercise at all outside of walking.  There is of course more brisk and speed in my step but otherwise nothing.  Ive lost around 170 pounds in 15 months
Babygirl got her surgery March 3rd...     She's from 339 to 200 as of 6/14/2012.. SOO proud of my bigbabygirl                                                                   
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