3 months out pictures

Lisa R.
on 8/5/11 6:54 am - CA
 Updated my "during" photo album.  I had a friend at work take this picture with her camera (she has a really nice, expensive camera) and she just sent it to me.  I opened it and almost cried.  I can't believe the woman in this picture is me.  I'm beautiful!  At least in this picture!~  LOL

I know I started as a light weight (only 236lbs) but I have been as big as 270, I had been working for almost a year to take off the weight on my own for a year before surgery.  I honestly don't have any pictures of me as 270 I never let a camera near me, so as long as I never had my photo taken I never had to see how big I was.  Well, I let a friend take a picture and it was so bad it changed my life.  It set me on the path to where I am now.  I have posted it, it is HORRIBLE!  To me anyway....it was so bad I could not believe I let myself get that big and that unhealthy.  I was bigger then every person in my family, even my fiancee.  

I am now 186, one of the smaller members of my family and today I had a student tell me "you are so skinny, I wish I was as skinny as you"  WHAAAATTTTT!  LOL  

But most important I am healthy!  I feel good, I don't have to take medicine.



The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. ~ Ayn Rand        
Lisa R.
on 8/5/11 6:56 am - CA
 Sorry the links don't work!  You can just click on my picture and it will take you to my profile if you want to see the pictures.  The before section has the picture that changed my life, the during album has the picture of 3 months out
The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. ~ Ayn Rand        
on 8/5/11 7:01 am - AR
You look beautiful!! Congrats on your success!!!
Celia S.
on 8/5/11 7:03 am - Grand Junction, CO
Wow! You look AMAZING!!! You look so youthful and very fit and healthy! Not to mention happy! :)
(deactivated member)
on 8/5/11 7:03 am
The picture you just posted looks great!  Awesome job... keep working that plan...

~*K J*~
on 8/5/11 7:11 am - MD
 You look amazing!!! 
 ~*KJ* HW 330 Day of Sugery 320
on 8/5/11 7:43 am - IL
You look amazing!  And a lot younger. You go!
                        HW: 307  SW:  254  CW: 177 GW: 150
on 8/5/11 9:50 am - Fort Campbell, KY
Look at you! You look fantastic!!
(deactivated member)
on 8/5/11 10:12 am
on 8/5/11 10:40 am - MN
Holy crap!  You look like you weigh 140!  Good for you!  I hope I look that good in the 180s!  I had surgery 9 days ago and am down 20 pounds already.  I'm hoping to lost my first hundred by Christmas!

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