limited budget and shopping after RNY

on 8/15/11 1:14 am
I have a very limited budget (so does my family). I'm finding that it makes grocery shopping after RNY even more difficult than before.

I kind of feel like we don't have the money to eat the healthier things that we need. Like ground hamburger... to get the ones with less fat, it cost more money, so we end up getting the really fatty kind. Fresh veggies and fruits cost so much.

I use coupons when I can, but usually those only come on things like junk (chips, cookies, cakes, fatty meats like hotdogs, sausages, bacon, ect). I can never find coupons for chicken, pork, or fresh fruits and veggies. Those things just don't have coupons. I have to find a sale and they arn't always on sale. Sometimes I can find coupons for frozen or canned veggies. We stock up when there are sales if we can. 

How to you shop after RNY while having a small food budget?
on 8/15/11 1:29 am - OH
One thing I do is shop at two different grocery stores.  Some things are cheaper at one and some things at the other, plus I like Carbmaster yogurt and I can only get that at Kroger.  Currently I need to buy some laundry detergent and stuff like that and I am planning to check out the dollar store for that.

If you buy fresh fruits and veggies that are in season, they cost less.   Also, frozen veggies are supposed to be about as healthy as fresh, from what I've read.  I do think fresh tastes better and for stuff like salads you can't buy frozen lettuce.

I do try to stock up on stuff when it's on sale.  I also try to make my own food instead of buying processed food, at least in many cases when it's cheaper to make my own.  Like, if I buy a frozen pizza (not that I eat that very often) it costs more than if I make my own pizza.  If I buy a beans and rice dinner in a box, it costs more than if I just buy dried beans and rice and stuff and make my own.

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on 8/15/11 2:05 am
 Me and my dad do that too. We shop at two different stores and someone more. We usually just get whats on sale at each store.

We have an Aldi's close by, so sometimes we can get stuff cheaper there that is hard to find a coupon for in regular stores. Everything there is off crand so we can't use copouns there, but we really do seem to save. 

I just really hate how everything that is healthy is so expensive. 

I think the homemade idea is actually really good. I've started making some stuff homemade and I'm hoping to get more recipes. 
Alice P.
on 8/15/11 9:28 am
Aldi's have cheap produce--buy the fruits and veggies there--Iast week at Aldi I got banana's for  44c a lb, a cantaloupe for 99cents, a big thing of green grapes for 1.99.

I also buy meat when it's onsale in big packages and freeze in smaller ones to cook later.  Aldi also has the fit and active line for all sorts of things.
 HW 278 SW 259 GW 170 CW 142 Ht 5ft 6


on 8/15/11 1:42 am - AL
If you are using the ground beef in dishes where you crumble it up to cook it, you can wa**** afterwards in ho****er and wash a lot of the fat away. I have been doing this for years. Your soups and sauces are not greasy if you do this. Also, check out sales from different stores. I only buy chicken and pork when its on sale. Publix runs really good deals on steamfresh veggies. I stock up everytime they run these on sale. Go to if you have a publix close by. Lots of great coupons and store matchups.
Teresa  HW 267.5, SW 250, CW 140      
on 8/15/11 2:00 am
 You can rinse the ground beef with ho****er? I always strain it, but I feel like there is still too much greese left. My father is a cook and has never rinsed it with ho****er after draining it. I think I will try this.

I've never heard of publix so I'm guessing I don't have one locally. 

I'm starting to learn to coupon better and how to match up coupons with what is on sale. Not exactly easy, but I'm learning. My friend has been helping me and I follow some coupon sites. 
Mia H.
on 8/15/11 2:13 am, edited 8/15/11 2:19 am - OH
 I understand completely, but it is possible. 

Aldi's (you said you had this nearby):

Tilapia is a great price there.  13 fillets for $6.  For my family of 3 I can get 2 meals (including lunch for me the next day).  

Chicken breasts (frozen): $5 for 8 breast. 

Ground Turkey (frozen); $2 for 1lb. 

They also have whole wheat pastas and I love their fit & active line. 

I love Aldi's and their prices even w/out a coupon is one of the lowest I have seen. 

I then go to Krogers (which is like publix) for the rest.  Do you have a farmer's market nearby?  I can get fresh fruit & veggies there for cheaper than I can at the grocery store and it taste a lot better. 

Sign up for coupon sites on the web like CouponMama, etc. 

Mia H.
on 8/15/11 2:19 am - OH
 You go on the internet and get all sorts of budget friendly recipes as well. is one of my favorite sites to go to. get
H.A.L.A B.
on 8/15/11 2:59 am

My solution:
Buy bulk. Meats - why do you need to buy ground meats of poor quality?
Buy cheap meat - on sale all the time - and then grind it yourself. Then you really know what is in it. Meat grinder - one time purchase.
Fresh veggies and fruits: buy fruits in season - they are on sale all the time.  And I also buy frozen fruits and veggies. Some times - they are better quality than the fresh ones.  Go to local markets.
My friends have garden.  The get fresh veggies all summer. Work - yes, but initial investment pays up. Planing veggies in your yard - really great. 

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 8/15/11 8:05 am - Hyattsville, MD
I usually get fish always on sale and in bulk then split it once I get home.

I always usually get canned veggies the ones I eat and then rinse then once out the can cause they are usually laden with salt

I use store brand splenda and other SF products
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