Attn: Revision People XPOST

on 8/17/11 12:57 am - Panama City, FL
I'm about to have Revision to RNY from VBG surgery on Monday, August 22nd.

Yesterday I went to see my surgeon and he had told me that most of his revision patients don't make it as far to goal as those who are first timers and that they lose more slowly.

Would anyone who has had a revision surgery please advise the following:

1. How much did you lose?

2. Did you reach goal?

3. How long did it take you to lose your weight?

4. What types of surgery did you revise FROM and TO?

 VBG Surgery 4/17/1989 - Revision TO RNY 8/22/2011 - 4 Days Prior To Surgery WT: 309.5

on 8/17/11 2:01 am
I am a strange duck because I revised from a very malabsorptive procedure to one with less malabsorption because of side effects.  I was told by my surgeon that I may not lose any weight.  Since the goal was resolution of side effects at that point I didn't really care but I had managed to regain 100lbs with malaborption so I was afraid of regaining even more so I agreed to have my stomach made into a RNY pouch.  It had been a sleeve, a very large sleeve with no restriction.
When I had my revision last year I weighed 218lbs and I wanted to reach a normal BMI, about 140lbs.
I guess the restriction agreed with me because I lost more weight and I lost it faster then I did with my first surgery, which was done in 2002.  I reached my first goal at about 6 1/2 months out and my second goal of 120lbs about 3 months later and have lost 13lb since then.
I was never really given any post op diet and vitamin education the first time and continued to eat as I always did, at first less then before but gradually my capacity increased and I was able to eat as much as I did before surgery.  My side effects were in part because of my diet because I ate a lot of refined carbs.  I decided this time around I was going to take advantage of my tool and change the way I ate.  I eliminated all refined carbs and all snacking and grazing.  I eat 3 meals a day and a snack.  I don't always weigh and measure what I eat but I try to make sure that I eat small to normal sized portions.  The main things I did was to make sure I get in at least 100 oz of fluids and 100 grams of protein a day.  As I said, I don't eat refined carbs but I do eat fruits, vegetables, dairy and whole grains.  I totally avoid anything with sugar or wheat in it.
The point is that while revisions are traditionally supposed to be slower losers it doesn't have to be that way.  You are in control by what you eat and the activities you do.  By definition we should all be slow losers because most of us have had a history of dieting and regaining, which messes up our metabolisms.  We have to work with what we have and do the best we can.
Good luck!  I am sure you will do fine.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 8/17/11 6:22 am - Panama City, FL
Thank you Lady Taz. I appreciate this, it gives me more confidence.

It's just scary to go through this surgery to then not have the benefits of quick weight loss.

Glad to hear you've been successful at your weight loss.

 VBG Surgery 4/17/1989 - Revision TO RNY 8/22/2011 - 4 Days Prior To Surgery WT: 309.5

on 8/17/11 5:55 am - WI
I had a revision from VBG to RNY November 18th, 2010.  I had the VBG in 1986 and suffered through 24 years of vomiting and pain everyday!  My RNY has been a GOD SEND for me! I feel 100% better.  I have only vomited 2 times...and it was my own fault for eating to fast.   I have lost 73 lbs. since November.  I have noticed that lost a lot slower than with the first surgery.  I have 3 more pounds until I reach my goal.   I did notice that I had to be much more vigilant about how I ate to keep the pounds coming off.  If I eat excess carbs...I stall...everytime!   Good luck to you!  I hope you have the same success that I have had!

HW 270 SW 236 GW 160 CW 145 (15 pounds below goal!)

VBG Aug. 7, 1986, Revised to RNY Nov. 18, 2010

on 8/17/11 6:21 am - Panama City, FL
Thank you for the info. My VBG was done in 1989. Glad to hear that you've been successful with the RNY. I appreciate the tip about the carbs, I will definitely be as diligent as I possibly can.

 VBG Surgery 4/17/1989 - Revision TO RNY 8/22/2011 - 4 Days Prior To Surgery WT: 309.5

on 8/17/11 12:10 pm
Wow, that had to be hard to hear... I know it would be for me.  Wasn't your original surgery done in the 80's?  What did they do - was it a ring and staples only or was there more?  I had mine back then and I wish I could remember exactly what they did.  I can't find the original doctor, and I woud love to know how what I had then compares to the current RNY being done.

Did the doctor say why revision patients lose slower?  I regained most of my weight within 6 years of the original surgery.  I had hoped that I would be experiencing similar results as I original experienced considering how long ago I had the surgery and subsequent failure. 
on 8/17/11 2:23 pm - Panama City, FL
Hello there. I had VBG (Vertical Banded Gastroplasty) back in 1989. That was a restriction method only, no malabsorption. I had vertical staples with a silicone band to make a pouch out of my stomach. My stomach was not cut as it is with RNY.

My surgeon said he does not know why revision patients lose slower than first time wls patience do.

In my opinion, I think it's because those of us who had the VBG surgery for example have had our metabolism completely ruined. Since my gastroenterologist ruined my VBG surgery (with a balloon dilatation, either breaking the band or loosening the staples, not sure which), any dieting I've done I've been VERY slow to lose. It's very frustrating. I can eat almost like anyone else can who has never had wls surgery. I gained the weight back VERY quickly, 50 pounds gained within 2 months of my dr. breaking my band or whatever he did and then another 50 pounds withing another few months. I've never gained weight so fast in my life nor lost it so slowly.

I too hoped that I would lose as quickly as all the other RNY patients have been reporting, but it's highly doubtful and a little discouraging. However, it can be done as shown by these ladies above who have had success with their revisions.

Do you remember the name of the Doctor who did your surgery?
 VBG Surgery 4/17/1989 - Revision TO RNY 8/22/2011 - 4 Days Prior To Surgery WT: 309.5

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