
on 8/28/11 2:10 pm - Wasilla, AK
So It has been almost 9 months and I have officially hit Onderland and stayed there for 1 week. I am very proud of my 134 pounds lost.

It has not been easy I don't dump and have had to have large amounts of self control not to cheat or go back to my old ways.

I feel amazing and am in a size 14 which I havent fit in almost 15 years

My only complaint is that a great deal of my hair has fallen out and it is really thin on top. I have increased my protein and added Biotin to my vitamin regimin in hopes that I might not be completly bald before this is all over.

32 Pounds from now I will be at my personal goal I have i think 56 to reach my surgeons goal.
I am going with the 32 because then I will have lost half my original body weight and be 166 with 166 lost.

Just wanted to provide an update on me pictures to come soon
on 8/28/11 3:45 pm - CA
WOW! 134 pounds! You are doing amazing!! Keep it up. Can't wait to see those photos!
on 8/29/11 2:26 am
 you go girl! 
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