tA Heavy Heart Today!

on 9/19/11 3:59 am - WI

It's been kind of a tough day today.  I was supposed to have surgery first thing this morning, but was pushed back due to impending pneumonia.  I woke at 3am thinking, " I am supposed to be getting up soon to head to the hospital".  All throughout the day, I have been thinking about where I would be in process.  I am also waiting on the Doc's office to call and schedule another appointment.  We have been playing phone tag since Fri so hopefully they will call soon.  It's kind of like when you are pregnant and your whole life revolves around that one little date.  Your "due" date comes and still no baby.  That's how I am feeling today.  I know it will come soon enough, but the wait is seriously killing me.  Good luck to all those having surgery today and the rest of the week.


on 9/19/11 4:08 am
Oh, I am soo sorry.  I am sure you must be terribly disappointed.  But I am also sure that you know your health must be good before they do the surgery because it will take a lot out of you physically too.  Please hang in there and you will get rescheduled.  Take care of yourself and know that others who may have never met you but are your friends here are thinking about you and wishing you well. 
on 9/19/11 4:40 am - Panama City, FL
I know how disappointing that must be for you. I've had pneumonia before and it was awful! You certainly don't want that on top of major surgery.

4 weeks out and I still feel somewhat run over by a truck so you don't need any extra complications.

I know you know that and I'm just chiming in.

God bless you!
 VBG Surgery 4/17/1989 - Revision TO RNY 8/22/2011 - 4 Days Prior To Surgery WT: 309.5

on 9/19/11 4:58 am
I'm sorry. That's so disappointing, having been ready to go and getting delayed. That happened with my daughter last year - she was scheduled for heart surgery and they couldn't do it because of pneumonia.

Hang in there! Your "due date" will be here soon!
Margaret   HW: 342    SW: 320    CW:  228    GW:  175    3          
on 9/19/11 11:50 am - WI
Thanks all for you words of encouragemnt. Finally talked to the nurse and sounds like they are trying to fit me in the schedule in the next couple weeks. Getting another chest xray on Fri so hopefully that shows improvemnent. On a good note, I think the cough is finally subsiding. I know my time will come, just feels like I have been waiting FOREVER!!
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