New date, Oct 10.

on 9/22/11 11:25 pm - WI
I have a new surgery date.  Oct 10, 7;30 am!  I am excited but not too excited cause I don't want to get my hopes up again.  If anyone wants to talk about hurdles and waiting then just talk to me.  I keep thinking all these setbacks keep setting me up for success.  Even with all the adversities, I have never once thought about backing out.  Hopefully everything works out and will have no more cancellations.  Have a great day everyone!
on 9/23/11 3:39 am
I'm scheduled for Oct. 11.  I've been going through all the emotions and I find that I'm nesting!  I seem to have gotten a spurt of energy and have been tackeling all sorts of orginazational and deep cleaning tasks around the house.  It's like when I was expecting my children (even though they are all adopted I got the same nesting instinct that happens to pregnant women shortly before delivery).  This time it's my own "re-birth" though.    How are you coping?

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  Albert Einstein

Pre-band weight 330 lbs, May 2004
RNY revision 296, October 2011
Current weight 218

on 9/23/11 11:15 am - WI
I never really got that when I was prego, my husband would always joke that he was waiting for it. However, I do find I am doing out of the ordinary things lately, like yesterday just out of the blue, I decided to paint the whole living room before my husband got home. I hope to have to have the whole house spotless in two weeks. Not likely as I have a 6 and 3 yr old. At least the thought is there. Good luck with your surgery!
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