on 9/30/11 8:53 am
Well here I am!  I have lost the weight and now my knees are so sore that I can hardly take the steps.  I have been doing lots of exercise and if I have to give that up, I am going to be so depressed.  I see the dr. in a couple of weeks.  I just had exrays done.  Does anyone else suffer from sore knees and if you do can you tell me what you take for the pain.  Do you still do your aroebic exercise.  I am just so stressed.  Can we take Glucosamine???

thanks so much


Debra P.
on 9/30/11 8:59 am - CA
VSG on 03/15/12
 You need to ice them for 20 min. and then use a heating pad for 10 to 20 min.  It will help do the job that NSAIDS used to do for ya.  


on 9/30/11 9:09 am - OH
Losing weight really helped my knees.  I used to have to get cortizone shots in them very three months.  The shots helped a lot but only for about six weeks, but they would not do the shots that often.  Im' sorry yours are so bad.

Yeah, we can take glucosamine.  You might want to ask your doc for a referral to physical therapy.  PT didn't help my knees that much but I guess it does for some people.  And ask about cortizone shots.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 9/30/11 10:27 am - WI
According to my left knee needs a total knee replacement.Seven months ago, after hearing this, I had this knee injected under fluroscopy with hyalgon. The pain was relieved until just recently. I am able to have thr procedure redone nowThe injections are not  cortisone. Think of it as a temporary artificial cushion, Good luck.
(deactivated member)
on 9/30/11 12:28 pm, edited 9/30/11 12:28 pm - Santa Cruz, CA
Take it slow; you need to work up to doing aerobics. I know my knees really hurt me again now that I've regained, and I miss the painfree days!!
Sheri W.
on 9/30/11 1:03 pm - GA
I have lost 155 pounds and my knees hurt worse than ever.  I am a school teacher and on my feet all day, I have to take Tylenol Arthritis to get through most days. My knees also hurt at night when I sleep.  I have an appt. next month with my reg physician and I was going to ask him about this.  I know before my surgery I had to take a Sucess Habits Workshop.  The teacher was a post op patient and she too had severe arthritis in her knees that was discovered after surgery.  I guess it's a common thing?

(deactivated member)
on 9/30/11 11:00 pm
hi, my dr said the sore knees were from our bodies readjusting to the weight loss.she said that the weight gain was slow but our wl was quick so thats why the knees hurt.they havent had time to adjust.i hope this helps.mine have gotten alot better in the last few weeks
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 9/30/11 11:15 pm, edited 9/30/11 11:16 pm - OH
I would recommend that you not do ANYTHING (other than ease off just a bit on the exercise that causes knee pain****il you see the doctor and he can tell you what the x-rays show, because what you need to do really depends on what the problem is, and doing certain things just because it helped someone else with a different problem could actually make your knees worse if you have a different issue!

I knew that I had arthritis in my knees before I had my surgery (and was taking cortisone shots every few months), but I really expected the pain would get better after I lost weight (as did my physician). I got a very small amount of relief initially, but when I increased my exercise in an attempt to lose an additional 10 pounds I ended up doing more damage to my left knee. It became extra inflamed, whihc caused additional damage from the excessive bone on bone action, and now -- despite Synvisc injections (artificial synovial fluid) every 6 months in ADDITION to the cortisone shots every 4 months, my left knee gets only mild relief and now needs a total replacement. Because I am not yet ready for the knee surgery, I am very limited in the exercise I can do. So, the moral of the story is that you do not want to push yourself too much before you know exactly what the problem is with YOUR knees so that you do not make it worse. Limnited exercise is better than NO exercise.

I take Tramadol and vicodin for my knee pain. I tried glucosamine and chondroitin for a year (both are safe fro RNYers) and they didn't help a bit (either in terms of how my knees felt or in how my xrays looked (but, again, it may depend on exactly what is WRONG with you knees).)


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 10/1/11 10:11 pm
Thanks for the info.  What do you do for exercise?  I have really been stressed these last couple of weeks from my pain and the fear of not being able to exercise.  The stress has caused me to be unwise with my eating...and I see myself getting into trouble.  Any help you can give me would be appreciated.


Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 10/2/11 2:28 am - OH
My exercise is very limited because of my knees... just walking the dogs, taking the stairs (up only, because going down hurts too much) at work, and using a recumbent bike a couple of times a week, and then some weight training that does not include bending my knees.  I have resigned myself to having to control my weight based solely on what I eat.  To be honest, although I don;t mind the weight training, I hate all forms of aerobic exercise (but was willing to do it to get some extra weight off... but I actually gained weight (about 7 pounds, but dropped my body fat % by 3%) before my knees became too troublesome... so much for that!), so the only thing I was previously doing that I miss doing at all was using the elliptical machine... and to say that I "miss" it is probably stretching ti a bit.  It was tolerable, LOL.  I was also able to do SOME water aerobics, but even in the water with no weight on my knees, just moving them enough (bending them is very painful) to keep my heart rate up (and keep myself warm... I used to literally shiver and shake in the cold water!) was difficult so I wasn't getting much out of it.

My suggestion (other than finding out the problem with your knees, of course, and doing whatever you can to resolve it) is to eat as if you can never exercise again... you CAN keep losing and keep your weight down without exercise (Kelly and I both have done it, as have a couple of other folks here) but you need to be more diligent about what you eat.  I still have a small treat (usually

14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

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