4 days post op

on 10/4/11 12:06 am
I am 4 days post op and feel so bloated in my upper stomach. I can not drink 30 ml every 15 mins I tried so hard yesterday that I threw up, I felt it 2 times before that I was going to be sick but was able to breath my way through it. The last time I couldn't, last night when time to go to bed and take pain meds I didn't feel like I could sallow it. I am 12 pounds heavier than before surgery and am so big in my upper stomach. In hospital my heart kept dropping in the 30s they had to take me off pain and couldn't void so had to recather me said my kidneys were slow waking. Please give advice.
on 10/4/11 12:13 am - VA
RNY on 09/14/11 with
Presumably your heart and kidney issues were cleared up before the released you. 

Are you walking (even around the house) to help get rid of the gas they pumped into you.  What fluids are you trying to drink? Some people have real trouble with plain water.  Try adding something to it. (I use mio, others use some crystal lite)  YOu don't have to add much.  Try some hot tea.  Just sip it.  Or get a frozen bottle of water and just sip water as it melts.

If you still can't hold any fluid down you need to call your doctor's office.

HW: 218, SW: 204, CW: 139 GW: 112-119

on 10/4/11 12:16 am
What's the temperature of your drink? Some people get sick if it's too cold and some if it's not cold enough.
The bloating will go down in another week or so.
You should still be doing your walking and breathing exercises.
Welcome to the loser's side!

RNY 5-5-2011

on 10/4/11 12:42 am - IL
Hi welcome to your new beginning. Sorry you are having those common post op blues.But things will get better, I too had that bloated and distended abdomen thing going on.  As you read previously, them pump air into your abdomen to visualize your organs during surgery.  It's so uncomfortable and the only way to relieve this discomfort is time and activity. Trying to find a comfortable position during this time can also prove to be challenging.  I personally had to practically lay upright on the couch with one of those special support pillows that I purchased at Walmart.  As far as the liquids go don't force yourself right away, take small sips as you can tolerate.  Remember you have a small healing pouch about the size of a walnut or so.  Eventually it will heal and stretch, but for know take care of yourself and your fluid intake will increase as time goes on.  However, if you are able to hold anything thing down plse contact your surgeon for anything you feel unsure about.  Better be safe and know than not to know.
on 10/4/11 12:42 am - MN
 that gas gets bottled up right under your sternum so the best thing to do is to take in deep breathes through your nose and breath out.  I was sent home with a spirometer to help me do this to keep your lungs clear and keep you from getting pnuemonia.  So do those deep breathes often and to me it helped with the pain and moved the gas out.  Also do some walking a bit around the house.  and sip sip sip.  I don't think anyone expects you to drink your 6 - 8 glasses of water but they do want you to get as much in as possible to keep from getting dehydrated.  Which is another whole ballgame if you do get dehydrated.    It will get better.  

Laurie says:  Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind  ~~~ dr. suess

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