Why do I have to eat like this?

on 10/9/11 3:20 am
i am so angry! I am feeling like why did I do this and why in the world would I sacrifice myself to be going through this. I am sooooo angry with myself and I know that everyone says that this is common but everyone also says that they are not hungry and I am starving. I want to eat and I want to drink and I had a bad episode of dumping yesterday 1 week and 1 day out and I dumped off of 1 tblsp of fraking eggs! arghhhh im sooo hungry! N e one know when I will be able to eat like some real food or even when things will go back to some kind of normalcy at least??? pls help!
on 10/9/11 3:38 am - TX
What are your symptoms of "dumping"?? Did you actually dump or did you just have a bad reaction to food. From what I understand, dumping occurs from sugar and is associated with typical symptom. I had a bad reaction to tuna about 10 days out and landed in the ER - my "bowels" weren't fully awake at that time and had a 3 day pain/nausea etc...I had to go back to the basics for another week or so until my "bowels" were ready. That is something you may want to consider doing and giving your belly a rest since you are such a new post op.

HW: 328   GW: 164  CW: 159  Height - 5' 8"  
GOAL REACHED 12/15/2012!!!!!!!!!

RNY Surgery Date:  6/21/11  
LBL/BL  - 11/6/2012 Arm Lift with Abdominal Lipo - 12/11/2012 - Dr. Paul PIn
Love me without restriction, trust me without fear, want me without demand and accept me for who I am.         - unknown - 



on 10/9/11 3:46 am, edited 10/9/11 3:52 am - Abbotsford, Canada
I so felt that way in the beginning, I found out (in my case) my sick hungry feelings were not because I was hungry, it was because I was in pain, but it didn't feel like pain, I thought it felt like being hungry so I had stopped my pain meds (soon as I started taking them again that feeling started to go away). I also had to take my pantoprazole meds (for acid) because sometimes that feels a bit like hunger pains. In my case I kept doing water, and protein drinks, after two weeks I had added cottage cheese because I missed the chewing. I really think at one week out you might be rushing the food, eggs are too much this early out, stick to greek yogurt, cottage cheese (chew really well),apple sauce, protein isolate. I remember in the first week I cried becase I realized I wasn't going to be having toast for a long time, now I don't even want it as a choice. Stick though this tough time, it will get better fast, but really don't rush the food that might cause you alot of other issues! Hope this helps a bit. (Dumping for me is when I get real tired like narcolepsy I fall asleep)
Kristi N.
on 10/9/11 3:56 am - NC
I had a very bad reaction the first time I ate an egg. I was about 2 weeks out. I told my NUT about it. She said it was because of the fat in the yolk. My tummy wasn't ready for it yet. I went to egg whites and did great. I have added regular scrambled eggs since, but I'm very careful. Just a basic rule of thumb, sugar and fat will create adverse effects early out. Add them slowly or not at all. After all, thats how we got here in the first place.
HW 244lbs SW 232lbs CW 148lbs GW 125-130lbs                     
on 10/9/11 4:30 am
Take it slow and easy. Also evaluate your hunger. Is it real hunger or is
it "time" to eat, head hunger, I used to eat this, etc. It can all feel very "real"
at first until you begin to discern between real hunger signals and the old
hunger. The surgery doesn't "fix" our relationship with food.  It's possible
that you dumped, but more likely that you had a bad reaction to eggs. Some
folks do fine with eggs and meat....it took me about 6 months to be able to
comfortably eat them.  Continue with your food plan that your surgeon or NUT
gave you because it does get easier.  Add new foods slowly and if you react
to something, try it again in a few weeks. And, listen to your pouch. You will
learn what foods feel good and what foods don't.  At 9 months out, I CAN
eat anything, but I don't eat several things.  Your body may also want more
protein. Get in your protein drinks, as much as you can tolerate. I also added
baby food pureed chicken to tomato soup to get in more protein and it
worked wonders until I could progress to mushy foods. I didn't taste
the baby food at all. Good luck!

on 10/9/11 4:30 am - OH
Everyone does not say that they are not hungry.  If you look through just a few days' worth of posts here on this forum, you will see a number of people talking about feeling hungry early out.  Some don't feel hungry for a while, but some do.

I don't think you dumped on eggs.  Some people don't tolerate eggs well in the beginning, and just one week out is pretty early to be eating eggs.  But unless you put a bunch of sugar in your eggs, I don't think you dumped on them.

I don't mean to sound unsympathetic.  I can tell that you are very angry.  I'm guessing that so much anger does not just stem from being hungry or from not being able to eat eggs.  Are you in therapy, by any chance?  WLS can really bring up a lot of emotional stuff for many people.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 10/9/11 4:31 am - FL
I have not felt nearly that crazed, though I have felt frustrated a couple times when something I thought was okay to eat turned out to be not so much.   I agree with the other poster who said to give it time.  I had to tell myself that in the past week.  I am 19 days out, but feel just fine and like my normal self, so why can't I just eat whatever is there?   I know my system is getting used to this new structure and that in time if I ant a little of something, it will be okay.   It's a small price to pay for health and spending great times with my family. 
Laura in Texas
on 10/9/11 4:43 am
I felt exactly the same way the first 2 weeks- lots of buyers remorse in the beginning. I am still hungry all the time, but managed to lose 200 pounds and maintain it for 2 years now. A lot of people have trouble with eggs early out. Try them again in a month or two. Hang in there!!


Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

Lisa R.
on 10/9/11 6:09 am - CA
I felt exactly the same way you did the first few weeks after surgery!  So I just wanted to tell you that I am sorry, and that I agree with what most people are saying to you on this post. 

Just to try to make you feel better, in my first week out I could not even feed my dogs cause I thought the their food smelled good!  How horrible is that!  I also posted on this site how frustrated I was with these people who say "I have to set an alarm to remind myself to eat" WTF!  I got so many replies from people telling me they feel like me!  Hunger does not go away from everyone. 

I am 5 plus months out now and feel totally normal and don't get super hunger, thought I do feel like eating everyday.  You will get better, it takes time.  Hang in there. 
The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. ~ Ayn Rand        
on 10/9/11 6:11 am
I could not eat eggs for at least over one year post op.  Eggs used to be one of my favorite foods until RNY.  I simply stayed away from them.  I tried scrambled a couple times, and when it became clear I could not eat them, I no longer tried.  Now I can, but I can take them or leave them.

This journey is all about attitude.  It really does get easier, and one day you will be back to normal missing the early post op days.  I remember when I read that comment from a veteran, I thought they were crazy, and surely they could not possibly know what I was feeling.  I'm laughing now because that comment is oh so true.  Go slowly when trying new foods.

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