Dumping is such a quirky thing..

on 10/7/11 1:25 pm - TN
 Ive not dumped in ages...not sure really i ever had to be honest. Sure somtimes thigns would send me running to the potty but it wasnt HORRIBLE except the one time watermelon got to me lol. But ive not had any issues iwth anything in months (im almost 6 mo post op)...then today it happened. I had some left over spagehtti sauce with hamburger ( i tolerate beef just fine)...was about 3 oz, mixed with some ricotta and mozzerella...was SO good adn Ive had this several times in the past and recently too. Then about an hr later I had 1/2 an apple with 2 tbsp of low fat pbutter, again something I eat all the time for snack or breakfast...and with in MINUTES of finishing the apple i was in PAIN, doubled over wanting to DIE! Had to quickly log off my work pc ( i work from home) and run to the rest room where I remained the next HOUR! May be TMI but it was coming out both ends at the same time for Gods sake! Cold chills, cramps...omg BAD BADBAD! This was the WORST reaction to anything ive had since surgery and for the life of me i cant figure out WHY it happened...this were foods ive had on a reg basis for weeks now...one of my FAV snacks is the apple and pbutter and now im afraid to eat it again lol. And the sauce and cheese mixture is SO good and loaded with protein....ugh
Samantha L.
on 10/7/11 1:28 pm - Petaluma, CA
 Same type of thing happened to me day before yesterday with a pear.  A TINY pear.  Just after I finished the last bite, I KNEW I had messed up.  What happened after that was painful and icky.  I was at work.  All bad.  

on 10/7/11 2:27 pm
I've found I dump with nut butter.  What is strange to me is the first few times I had it there was no problem.  Then it started making me feel a little bad.  Now if I have some I am sorry.  
Was there anything different about the brand you used?  Spaghetti sauce can have sugar in it.  I use sugar free.  Maybe you used a different kind with more sugar.  Maybe it was the combination of both of them close together.  You are right.  It is quirky.  That is why I prefer to stick with things that are tried and true, including the brands.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

A. C
on 10/7/11 2:32 pm
i haven't had my RNY yet.. i have to say, i'm pretty scared of dumping! and knowing that there is no rhyme or reason to it? EEEEEEEEEP!!!!!!!
on 10/7/11 2:45 pm
Most (70%) don't dump and most who do know what will triggers it, usually sugar.  I only dumped twice my first year because I accidentally bought stuff that wasn't sugar free.  I stuck with things that I knew were safe, low carb, low fat, sugar free.  In the last few months I have been trying to regain some weight and since then I have dumped several times.  I know if I avoid those things I won't dump but it is hard to gain weight eating low carb and low fat.
The point is, even if you dump you should be fine if you just avoid things that trigger it.  For me it is a very good deterrent to keep me away from sugar.  Most people who dump learn pretty quick how much sugar they can safely tolerate.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 10/7/11 3:20 pm - TN
 It was the same brand sauce, Hunts Garlic and Herb...and the same pbutter, Great Value Low Fat creamy. I think it had to be the combination. Thus far ive not been sensitive to sugar at all except that one time with the watermelon. I hope it doesnt do it again because im addicted to apples and pbutter lol
on 10/7/11 3:26 pm - Rochester, NY
OMG!! I can so relate!!  so soory for your pain. I have had 3 similar episodes since my surgery lasy Nov 12th. I tink a big drunk was easier....
on 10/7/11 11:37 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
I hate to tell you this, but I used to love apples & pb, too, but the last three times I ate that, it was dump city! Not sure what changed, but I'm staying away for a while. I hope one day I can add it back.

Keeping track of my progress without a scale...Starting size: 28-Current size: 6-Goal size: 14

sand SAND...it's not a club...it's a frame of mind...

Dave Chambers
on 10/8/11 12:09 am - Mira Loma, CA
That's one of the things that isn't really explainable.  Many post ops will tolerate specific foods, and then have an issue with that food.  They may not "dump" on them, but have major difficulty digesting that food, when normally there are no issues with the foods.  Over the past 5 years, I've dumped 3 times that were very noticeable. These were all special occasions, with foods I knew might cause an issue. But I've also had these foods at other times with no dumping.  "Never say never" is something to remember as a post op.  From most descriptions of dumping, "pain" doesn't seem to be a normal description.  Nausea, anxiety, rapid hearbeat, heavy perspiration, feeling hot, diarrhea (one or more) are typically described, but not pain.  I'd try to avoid that "food combination" in the future.  It may happen again on one of hte foods that you tolerate.  Sugar levels that cause dumping will vary with some post ops. I know one woman who dumps on Propel water, 3g of sugars.  Vomiting is something I've only done once in 5 years post op, and this was from spoiled meat that was heavily seasoned and bbq'd by my son. 30 minutes after eating, I felt really bad and barfed for 10 minutes.  But other times I've felt I had a really upset gut, and I could not vomit, even after  putting 2 fingers down my throat--with no luck, except minor dry heaves. DAVE

Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
                          Dave150OHcard_small_small.jpg 235x140card image by ragdolldude

on 10/8/11 12:56 pm - Chandler, AZ
I'm two months out so I am still experimenting...but so far I seem to dump on fats and not sugar.

I tried a bit of movie popcorn (popped in a movie popper with oil) at work yesterday (we had a big potluck/BBQ). I was so good the rest of the day - half a soy burger, a slice of cheese, mustard, pickle and a couple tablespoons of some bean dip. But I wanted so bad to try that popcorn. I did. And regretted it big time about 20 mins. later. Doubled over at my desk in pain for an hour. My poor supervisor was freaking out...never again for me. I will try hot air popcorn some time in the future. LOL...
"Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will come"           

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