what are you doing/eating today? Tuesday

on 10/17/11 5:55 pm - Hyattsville, MD
Howdy.... my eats will be:

cream of rice
not sure about anything else
Babygirl got her surgery March 3rd...     She's from 339 to 200 as of 6/14/2012.. SOO proud of my bigbabygirl                                                                   
on 10/17/11 7:07 pm
I'm kind of off my game because I'm on vacay...doing home projects this week.
But I think breakfast will be an egg and cheese, protein drink snack, home-made
chili lunch, crock pot beef and veggies dinner....and water!

on 10/17/11 7:18 pm - MN
No clue what I'm eating, I'm back on liquids for a few days. But..I go back to work today! Yay!
on 10/17/11 9:04 pm
Need to go shopping - but so far, I've planned:

b - power crunch bar
L/S - apple, 1/2 pb sandwich, cheese
High Weight 278; consult weight 234; Surgery Weight 219 Surgeon's Goal Weight 150 -10/27/10  -  Personal goal weight 140 - Achieved 12/11/10  
on 10/17/11 10:34 pm
Did not feel like a sweet protein shake this morning so. . .

Early: Coffee
B: chicken Salad
S: greek yogurt
L: cottage cheese
D: nothing planned (I know - BAD!)

Hope your day is great!

Banded 1/22/2009 Revision to RNY 9/26/11

on 10/17/11 11:23 pm - Bensalem, PA
In a "blah" sort of mood today. I need to find my mojo ladies. Anyway, food for the day -
B - Rye toast w/ bacon
S - Apple
L - Soup
S - Click
D - Fish or chicken w/veggies
S - Greek yogurt
After work I'm heading to the gym and pushing the water today. I have been slacking on that lately.
Have a wonderful day everybody.
Mary B.
on 10/18/11 12:27 am - Southern, MD
Good morning! Been CRAZY busy, but all is calm now.

Eats for today:

Coffee w/ cream
Atkins Bar
Leftover Flank steak and broccoli
Greek Yogurt
Not sure about dinner yet. Most likely chicken something
    Banded Feb 23, 2009 / Revision to RNY Aug 25, 2010
on 10/18/11 12:32 am - Baltimore, MD
Eats for today:

Pre-B: Half a Protein Pumpkin Caramel mini-loaf (that was a LOT of adjectives!) - recipe forthcoming on BF

B: Parmesan, Tomato, Spinach Egg Scramble

L: No clue. I have some running around to do

D: No clue. I have some running around to do
on 10/18/11 1:18 am, edited 10/18/11 1:19 am - PA
 Today is a busy running day so

B isopure
L-Beef jerky
D- no idea as it is PTA night

Snack I know this one!!! I found pumkin spiced almonds at the store today....YUM!!!!
 Come visit me on my bloghttp://apeekintomytreehouse.com/ 
  Start weight 282, Surgery weight 265, Current weight 131, Goal weight 140 

  A woman is like a tea bag - you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.  Eleanor Roosevelt

on 10/18/11 2:01 am - FL
Pre-B-Nectar Protein
B-Stuffed Mushrooms
L-Lunch Meat and Cheese Roll
D-Fish and Green Beans
S-Nectar Protein with Peanut Butter Balls

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