Mental Thing Going On ... ugh!

Jameen G.
on 10/27/11 12:35 am - NC
Gude Morning Everyone,

OK ... here is kind of what I feel:

     I am 9 weeks out and i feel like for some reason ... I will be the one to fail at my gastric bypass surgery.  I know that I am not the only one who has ever felt like this, but I just had to say it.  One lady posted this morning who started out around the same weight as I did and 6 months later she has lost 101 lbs.  I have lost 38 lbs ... stuck there I feel.  I haven't been on the scale in over a week.  Really don't want to, but I probably need to step on it. And trust me ... I know I shouldn't compare myself to anyone else ... just putting my fears out there ... BUT I am not going to claim those fears!

SO ... here is what I am going to do:

     I actually went on this morning and I will diligently log in everything i put in my mouth. seems very user-friendly and as long as i don't have to do a lot of calculations, i will do this. 

My question to you:

    9 weeks out, I can eat anything, still drink the Isopure liquid blue raspberry protein daily (I TRY to drink one whole bottle a day - 40 grams of protein) ... definitely because I DON'T do any dairy, peanut butter, almonds, other types of protein shakes ... I get my protein from meat, some beans, and my blue raspberry.  What should be my daily intake of Fat? Carbs?

The gym:

     Really trying to love this, but I actually don't like going.  I usually do 3 times a week ... some cardio and definitely strength training.  I strive for 60 - 80 grams of protein a day, and i think my calories are low ... under 1000 a day.  At this point, I don't know if I can get my protein up any higher right now ... I need to go back and see my NUT but she is on med leave until end of November ... and i like her ... she is my 2nd one. 

I guess I will get a clearer picture after 1 week of tracking ... even one day of tracking.  I don't want to fail ... it is NOT an option, but i need to get in a "good" groove/flow with this stuff.

Thanks for letting me vent and listening.

 jameen (take a minute to smile ...)

Stephanie M.
on 10/27/11 1:16 am - Los Angeles, CA
 First of all, the lady you are comparing yourself to is over 3 times further out than you are! Your weight loss seems right on track to me! But, you are the only one that knows your body. 

For me, I'm losing between 8-10 pounds per month, and I KNOW, that is far faster than I ever lost in the past. 

I think it is 100% normal for you to be having those thoughts about being the one person that doesn't succeed. I know I felt that way...sometimes still do. Those thoughts will slowly go away as you get closer and closer.

As for the calories and fat, etc. I log mine on myfitnesspal too. I just log what I eat, try to balance the amount of carbs I'm having. 

One thing I've learned, I don't know if your weight loss has slowed, but mixing up all the elements really makes a difference. At one point, I wasn't eating enough calories. At one point, I was eating too many. Once not enough carbs, another time, not enough protein, etc. So I find that bouncing back between 800 calories one day, then 1200 the next really helps quite a bit. So its just a learning process. I do always try to get in my protein though. 

Stop stressing, and congratulate yourself on the 38 pounds you've lost!!

Jameen G.
on 10/27/11 1:20 am - NC
OK Ms. Stephanie ... I hear you loud and clear.

But please share with me ... how many carbs and fat grams do you want in your day?

 jameen (take a minute to smile ...)

Stephanie M.
on 10/27/11 1:26 am - Los Angeles, CA
I wish I could help you more with that, but hopefully someone else can post here to give you a number.
My surgeon didn't tell me an exact number of either one to have.
I usually eat low fat foods, so I would say (just a guess) that I have between 15 and 40 grams a day.
And as far as carbs, I don't measure the number, I just try to stick to one carb every other day or so (so 1 piece of whole wheat bread, 1 serving of whole wheat pasta, etc.) I know veggies have carbs, so I'm sure I get in a normal amount. 
I hope that helps. I'll try looking at my carbs and fat for the next few days, and let you know what my numbers are.
on 10/27/11 1:56 am - Panama City, FL
I think that many of us feel that way, that we are going to be the only one to fail. It's because we have failed so many times on diets our whole lives that we find it hard to comprehend that we may actually succeed at this!

I lost most of my weight the first three weeks and got stuck for nearly two weeks and the scale did not move. Not it's moving a pound here and a pound there, so I'm trying to look at it like this:

Last year (before my surgery), I was on a diet and exercise program where I logged in all of my food and I walked about 3 miles a day for 5-6 days a week. In eight months I only lost 34 pounds, then gave up and gained it all back plus 3 more pounds.

With this surgery, I have now lost 41.5 pounds in 9.5 weeks. So, I KNOW that I may not be the fastest loser on here, but it is WAY faster than what I was able to do on my own. Plus I'm a revision and was told my weight loss would be way slower than other folks, so I think I am doing pretty good. Plus I started off at a higher weight than you did and so we are about the same weight loss wise.

I have not been tracking my food, but I need to. I know I get all my protein from food, there are NO shakes I like. I don't eat too much in the way of carbs. I think I am able to eat more than some people but of course nothing like the amount of food I could shove in pre-surgery.

I pray that we all are able to lose weight and get rid of our nagging doubts about it!

 VBG Surgery 4/17/1989 - Revision TO RNY 8/22/2011 - 4 Days Prior To Surgery WT: 309.5

on 10/27/11 2:30 am - IL
Hey thier good morning,  I must say first of all you are not the only thinking that this will not work.  Even to this day I have regrets about this surgery due to increasing nasea and not feeling well. I did't feel this way prior to surgery.  Also this strange uncomfortable feeling I have when I go without eating.  Then i feel depressed that i was unable to lose the weight the conventional way as well.  I believe alot of these feelings stem from not feeling the way I felt prior to this surgery.  I feel so stricken by the changes I need to make and feel that i should have been a little more stronger and willing to exercise as well.  Sorry for the feelings of frustration.
(deactivated member)
on 10/27/11 2:54 am - Santa Cruz, CA
Nausea isn't good for anyone, especially for us.  Make sure you're getting your fluids; nausea is an early symptom of dehydration, which is really bad, and if you don't get it under control early, it can mean getting an IV to replenish your fluid levels.

Please don't go without eating;  you need your nutrition.  Food is not your enemy.  Food is fuel, and
your body needs fuel to run.

If you could have lost your excess weight the "conventional way" you would have.  You tried, didn't you?  I know you did.  I know you probably tried every diet and exercise plan that popped up.  I was
a Weigh****chers alumna about 5 or 6 times. (I lost track)  and I dieted my way up to 365 lbs plus.

There's not a soul on this site who hasn't done the same thing, or hasn't gone through the same
mental flagellation for being so lazy, stupid, greedy (pick your own insulting phrase) as to actually
get fat.

Well, honey, you aren't alone.  You've given it your best shot and chosen your best solution to
regain your health.  This surgical solution works, but it's only a tool.  You have to work the

Hang in there.  When you're losing your jeans walking up the stairs, or having your undies fall
down, you'll realize you're winning!

Best wishes,
on 10/27/11 3:21 am - At Home in, NH

Glad to hear that you are going to start diligently tracking on There's nothing better than being able to see the information you need right at your finger tips when you want, and when you need to do an analysis about your patterns. Good for you!

I think your endeavor in "liking" to exercise is probably not going to be successful, however (and that's a BIG however!), you don't have to like it to do it AND reap the rewards from doing it. I'd suggest 3 days at the gym and 3 more days of at least 1/2 hour of activity (walking, gardening, doing something outside, etc). You don't have to be a cardio maven or a gym rat, but your weight loss could possible be more consistent if you exercised in some form more than 3 days a week. And with your strength training, you go girl! Firm beats flab anyday of the week! Increased activity will also help you when you do get to goal (and I believe that you will) to maintain the loss. Remember, it is said that if exercise was a prescription, it would be the MOST prescribed medication in the world.

Now as for fats and carbs, I don't think there is a one-size fits all recommendation. Some people villify carbs, some people don't. Some people have issues with carbs, some don't. You have to find your own balance (hence tracking on myfitnesspal will be a KEY in getting a grip on your numbers).

That said, I went back and averaged what my numbers were in the last 26 days (yes, I track on myfitnesspal!). Remember, these are my numbers, not anything that has been dictated by my bariatric program: I average 88 grams of carbs per day and 40 grams of fat. Is that inhibiting my weight loss? I don't know. My weight loss is average and this older broad is happy with average! The one thing I do know, is that I have to have an eating plan that works for me, that incorporates all types of healthy foods (except refined carbs), and one I can sustain for life. So I enjoy small servings of brown rice, whole wheat couscous, an occasional slice of whole wheat toast, limited fruits and as many healthy veggies that I can eat comfortably after I get my protein in for the day. This is a plan I can sustain for the rest of my life (with some occasional side-trips into chocolate land ~grin~).

So cheers for you in tracking consistently! Let us know how you are doing. And lastly, (you already probably know what I'm going to say...) NO COMPARING YOUR JOURNEY TO ANYONE ELSE'S. We all have our own paths and journeys to make. Groove with yours and your success!

"Just keep swimming." ~ Dorrie

Jameen G.
on 10/27/11 3:57 am - NC
Christiina, many thanks to you for your words, information, and encouragement.  

I so needed to hear everything from everybody.  I just happened to notice on that it gives you daily goals.  I guess i need to go in and play around in this website.  

Guys, i am learning (and don't mind learning) ... they don't call it a "journey" for nothing huh???

Many thanks to everyone ... 

 jameen (take a minute to smile ...)

on 10/27/11 3:33 am
Hi Sweetie, I had surgery the day before you and feel about the same.  My surgeon said that 50 lbs in 3 months is about avg.  So you are right on track.  I feel like as long as I am within 10 % of that goal that I will be fine and doing well. 

I am also strguling with exercise, I really do not want to do it.  I want to lose all this weight with out trying. But I know I cannot nor should I. 

My NuT said that 800 cal a day is about normal for where we are.  I have learned that if I do not get my 64 oz in I am not going to lose much if at all.  After a couple days drinking my fluids the way I am supposed to I lose again.  (gotta figure that fat has to have a way out of our bodies)

Friend me if you wanna have someone to checkin with on the exercise or anything else since we are so close together postop.  :) 

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