Damn Candy!!! ?? For people over a year out

on 11/1/11 6:27 am - Houston, TX
Ok for starters let me say I am doing ok with the RNY havent really been on here too much lately because it seems that theres not much for people who are like me over a year and pretty much just maintaining

Lately I have seen myself getting into old habits...I dont dump and can eat pretty much anything and everything. I still stay away from bread except a very rare occasion but  like today I have eaten a couple pieces of candy and last night I did too. I just need to learn how to stop and go back to my good eating habits...I did get up early this morning and ran on the treadmill

How do you get back to eating right after you have slipped up?  I tried the 5 day pouch test but midway through the 2nd Im sorry but I was starving and ate some food.
on 11/1/11 6:33 am - OH
I think the best way to do it is to just do it.  If I notice I've been eating too many snacky carbs lately, then I stop eating them and eat some protein instead.  It helps me to keep the stuff that really calls to me out of the house.  If I have Cheezits around, I am going to eat them.  So I don't buy them.

I'm gonna add that I think there is a lot here on OH for people that are over a year out and maintaining.  I'm almost three years out and I get a lot of good help and support here.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 11/1/11 7:04 am
You're lucky that you don't dump!  The best thing that you can do if you are slipping is log your intake.  One or two "fun size" candies are not likely pushing you over your calorie limits.  I do dump, but will have 1 candy on occasion. 

If I slip up, I log, and start fresh -- like immediately, not tomorrow. 
High Weight 278; consult weight 234; Surgery Weight 219 Surgeon's Goal Weight 150 -10/27/10  -  Personal goal weight 140 - Achieved 12/11/10  
Samantha L.
on 11/1/11 7:24 am - Petaluma, CA
 I agree with Kelly.. the only way to do it is just to do it.  Pick something.  Maybe white foods.  Then, make the decision that you will stop eating white foods now.  When you are better with that, then move on to the next thing.  
  Track everything.  You don't have to do it FOREVER.  But, it will give you an idea of where your problems are.  I use the OH tracker, but I am sure there are others that work just as well or better.  I like that it has a pie chart showing me how much of my eating was carbs/protein/caffeine and fat.  It lets you put your vitamins in there as well, if you'd like.  
  As far as my thoughts on the forums for people over a year out.. I love it.  I would not be doing nearly as well as I am if I didn't come to the boards and keep the rules fresh in my mind.  I need that constant reminder to stay on track.  Not everyone does.  It remotivates me every day.  

Good luck!

on 11/1/11 8:16 am - Houston, TX
Thanks guys! I really have to get this junk out of my house!!! And sweets have always been my weakness so I do wish I dumped.
on 11/1/11 8:36 am - OH
For a long time I really wanted to be able to eat everything I like in moderation and didn't want to admit that I just needed to keep certain things out of the house.  I finally admitted that if I have crackers I will not resist eating them and it really has made my life easier.  There is no way to avoid all food you don't want to eat in your whole life - I still have to go places where there are crackers - but you can keep your biggest trigger foods out of the house and that helps.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


Frances S.
on 11/3/11 12:13 am - Crystal Falls, MI
 Kelly.. I am the same way.  I almost wanted to protest the fact that I needed to avoid certain foods.  I felt like I should be able to have what I want in moderation and I would be fine.  I think the RH episodes in the late afternoon after having carbs for lunch, then snacking on chips in the afternoon may have finally sunk in.  Having my husband ask me if I needed to go to the ER while I had to sit on the kitchen floor and shaking was just too humiliating for me.. why couldn't I make the right choices for me and know what was good for me?

I think I'm finally coming to accept that I can't ever stop being diligent.  I wanted to live care-free, I didn't want to worry about gaining ever again.  I wanted to feel "normal".  what I didn't understand is that a lot of "normal" people have to be diligent too.
on 11/1/11 9:58 am
I've come to believe that Halloween candy is the downfall of modern existience.  Especially today...the dreaded day after!!  I took just about all of my son's to work and left it in the sign in room!  However, there is still some in the house.  It is so hard for me to say no.  Mary Janes....mmmmm. 

Anyway, I like to come on here even though I'm a year out.  It keeps me focused and reminds me that I need to be doing what I'm supposed to do.  I think when I start slipping, coming here is the first thing I do.  Notice I'm here now? Yeah...the past week has been a slippery slope!!
on 11/1/11 10:33 am
I wish  I would dump eating the things I should not eat, then maybe then I would not be so tempted to eat them.  I too lately have wanted to eat things not so good for me.  I have to get back to the healthy eating...I did NOT go through this surgery to fail...I have not been on here for awhile and need to get back on track...HELP and ENCOURAGEMENT are appreciated.

I have 40 lbs to go!  I HAVE been at the same weight now for three months, that is not good when I am only eight months out!  I am afraid of failing, and why is it that I can eat anything!  Well, almost anything...I tried two bites of Ice cream once and got terribly sick.  Sometimes I wish that would happen more often.

I need this site, and I will have to keep up with everyone...support is a good thing.

Stay focused on the new you...you can do it, and so can I.
on 11/1/11 10:51 am - Houston, TX
All right!!! I just loaded up all the junk and I'm sending it to work with m husband tomorrow. I need to just keep reminding myself I am worth this and I don't need to put junk food in my body because it makes me feel bad.

Thanks guys for all the support...I really do need to be on here more often.

Has anyone done the 5 day pouch test?
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