uhhh..what now?

on 11/1/11 8:07 am - NC
The surguons office called me a week or two ago telling me that my insuarnce requires a 2 year weight history and a 6 month diet program. I had the 2 year history but only have 3 months of documented weigh****chers stuff and I have 7 months of log ins from myfitnesspla.com They told me that they are hoping that would be enough. She also told me that she is also thinking that they will count the 3 visits I had with the NUT as part of the diet program. Now I am super scared that they will deny it!!

And now some of my family and friends who were supportive in the beggining are not being so supportive. They keep telling me "its such a big risk, blah blah blah" I already know all that and just shake my head ok. I am doing this for me and not for them! It just annoys me that they aren't more supportive. I have something called intracranial hypertension or psuedotumor cerebri, and the neuro thinks that having weight loss surgery will make it go into remission. If it doesn't I will have to get a shunt in my brain. My father went and told his doctor all this and his doctor pretty much told him that I shouldn't have weight loss surgery and that it will not do anything for my condition.

Sorry for the rant, just stressed today!
Sara L.
on 11/1/11 8:24 am
It sounds as though you are almost there!!  I hope it all works out for you.  Maybe take a look at the 3 visits you had with the nutritionist, do they span three months?  Then take a look at when your next meeting is with the nutritionist.  Some insurance companies want the 6 months supervised to be consecutive months.  Make sure that you see the nutritionist for a 4th, 5th and 6th visit in a timely fashion, that way you will be on top if it instead of feeling like you have to start the 6 month process from scratch.  If you get a denial, you may just be 3 more months away from getting approval. 

Good luck to you, I hope it all works out.  I hope your neuro is right about your intracranial hypertension going into remission.  That would be awesome.  Your doctor is the one with your case file in his/her hand, and not your father's doctor.  Any doctor who disagrees with a morbidly obese person having weight loss surgery is uninformed, no matter what the co-morbidities.

Stay strong, you will get through this!!!!

Sara in Maui
on 11/1/11 8:34 am - OH
It's really unethical for a doctor to recommend treatment (or lack of treatment) for someone that isn't even his patient.  Your father's doctor was very unprofessional and even potentially harmful to tell your father that you should not have WLS and that it would not help your condition.  Your father might want to consider changing doctors so he can see a doctor that follows basic standards of medical practice.

If your insurance requires a six month diet, they may count the three months of WW but I doubt they will count loging into myfitnesspal.  You may need to complete the six months before being approved.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 11/1/11 1:22 pm - IN
I just wanted to mention to you that I just today read about someone else on here that had the pseudotumor cerebri and theirs did go into remission after the wls. I wish I could remember who it was so that I could pass along her info!
on 11/1/11 1:25 pm - IN
Ok do a search of pseudotumor. There are many posts on here about it that I just found
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