Who are we?

on 11/13/11 11:59 pm - Rittman, OH

Today is my 9 month anniversary ~ YAY!  It seems anymore that time is going so fast. Before I know it, its going to be February and I'll be going to my one year check up with my surgeon. Life has been nothing but a whirlwind since surgery. I've experience so much in such a short amount of time and I never thought I'd make it through it all. I've had my share of ups and downs and I've made it through them all! I am FINALLY starting to figure out who I really am. I was scared for a short amount of time that I would never really figure out who I was suppose to be. I was worried too much about what other people wanted me to be. I had to do some real soul searching to figure out who it was that I wanted to be. I still have a long road ahead to me but I have learned that who I was when I was "fat" is not who I really wanted to be inside or outside. It was who I was only because that's the situation I was in and was afraid to be the real me because of my appearance on the outside. Finally what I feel on the inside is showing on the outside. I'm happy to say that I am quite pleased on the progress I have made.

On another note I am also pleased on my weight loss. Its amazing that I am down 140 pounds so far and I have only 100 left to go. I went and purchased a pair of jeans a few weekends ago and I am in a size 20!!! I couldn't believe it. I can't even remember that last time I wore that size. I remember last year at this time I was in a size 30/32. Something else I am doing is running 2 miles a day and last year I was struggling just to walk a mile. I have a goal of running in a half marathon next summer. I believe I will be ready by then and can't wait to accomplish that huge milestone!!!  I love keeping track of all these before and after moments. These are the things that keep me going! I can't wait to see else the future holds for me!!!

I hope everyone is having a great Monday!
View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com
on 11/14/11 12:11 am - Canton, GA
Congratulations on your progress! You are doing amazing!

I know exactly what you mean about being who you really are.  I used to be thin and I was the life of the party. I was a really fun person. After I gained the weight, I became much more of a wallflower. I think that was partly due to realizing that people I met who didn't know the "thin me" didn't seem interested in getting to know me, and even looked at me like I was a freak when I acted like my ol' life-of-the-party self. I moved to a new state so no one here knew me before the weight, and I found it much harder to make new friends as a heavy person. I never had that problem as a thin person. I was a social butterfly. 

Keep up the great work! 
Jenny         HW: 268 / SW: 254 / CW: 180 / GW: 140
First 5K: 4.21.2012 - Time: 34:45 - 2nd Place in age group
Second 5K: 6.2.2012 - Time 37:09
on 11/14/11 12:16 am - IL
Congradulations on your accomplishments and milestones. Also continue to be strong in lifes curve balls.  I hope that you continue to soul search for who you are.  I understand the challenge that has been imposed to yourself.  Having the burden of being overweight had posed so many limitations on our lives that a lot of things we would have love to have done or accomplished we were restricted due to the weight.  Know that our options have been lifted we can better explore those things we have always wanted to do.  Weight can surely hender anyone that strives for higher accomplishments.  So continue to strive higherand your dreams and admirations will surely be a breath away.
(deactivated member)
on 11/14/11 1:01 am - AL
Congrats on your success!  And I am sure there will be lots more wow moments in your future!  So hang on....it's gonna be a great ride! 
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