worried about failure...

on 11/16/11 7:09 am - Crosby, TX
 ok...my surgery (RNY) is less than a week away, & while i am nervous about the surgery itself, my biggest fear is failure...i can't comprehend two weeks of nothing but liquids, two more weeks of pureed food & all the rich, yummy foods i will have to give up...i'm from south louisiana, rich foods are a part of my heritage...

i know i need this...weighing in @ 330lbs, diabetes, high blood pressure & sleep apnea are all proof that i obviously cannot do this on my own... my family is all super supportive, & tell me that my appetite will change with this surgery, but i am just so scared that i'll mess this up too, as i have done with every other diet/weight loss program i've been on...but if im really this concerned about giving certain foods up, does that mean i am not ready for this? 
A. C
on 11/16/11 7:12 am
i've had my RNY about a week ago, and i have all these same fears.. so i'm gonna sit here with you and listen hang in there and good luck next week!
on 11/16/11 7:15 am - Sioux Falls, SD
I wish I had advice, but I'm in the same boat.  My surgery is 12/2, and I too worry about failure.  I think it's natural to be afraid to fail, because all I have ever done at weight loss ultimately is fail.  But with support, the tools, and family, this website, etc.  I finally feel as if I'm at a place to succeed.  But the failure is always in the back of my mind as well.  Goodluck to you.
  HW: 345  SW:329   CW: 226   *16lbs lost pre-op  103 post op so far!*          
Tim T.
on 11/16/11 7:26 am - Eastham, MA
I'm 4.5 months post-op and I do not have any restrictions on my food choices. That being said, There are certain foods that I choose not to eat in order to succeed. I avoid refinerd carbs- they are trigger foods for me and are not part of a successful lifestyle change. I avoid fried foods as well, but that doesn't mean that you can't have a taste. Just not a whole plate of it, which you won't be able to do physically. You can still enjoy all of your favorite foods, in moderation.
on 11/16/11 7:32 am - OH
What yummy foods do you think you'll have to give up, and why?  I eat all sorts of yummy foods.  I'm three years out.  today I ate a yummy protein bar, some Greek yogurt that I made taste like pumpkin cheesecake, and some roasted chickpeas with Creole seasoning (so much tastier than potato chips, I swear).

This surgery is different than all the other diet and weight loss programs you've done, very different.  So it makes sense to me that the outcome might be very different, as well.

And I don't think being worried about giving up certain foods, especially if you are thinking you'll have to give up all yummy foods, means you're not ready for surgery.  It means you're not ready to eat only dull, unappetizing foods for the rest of your life.  Well, neither am I!  The good news is, you don't have to.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


Patty P.
on 11/16/11 7:44 am
I think we all have that fear to be honest. I'm only a week and a half out, and that is my fear! But on the same token its my driving force also...sounds like you have a great support system!!
Good luck on your journey...and know you are never alone in this!!

on 11/16/11 7:51 am - OKLAHOMA CITY, OK
 My surgery was 8 days ago.  I did 10 days of liquids pre op and my doctor wants 4 weeks on liquids post op, then 4 weeks of pureed, then 4 weeks of semi soft such as scrambled eggs and cottage cheese before going back to any solid foods.  I remember driving past McDonalds and Taco Bell the day before my surgery and feeling sad that I would never enjoy those foods again.

Today, on day 8, I don't think I need to stress so much.  I want to be healthy and I want to walk into a regular clothing store and buy something that doesn't end with an X.  My hubby went to run errands and I jokingly yelled "bring me back a burger and fries!" and he freaked out!  I told him I was just joking but the look on his face was great!

Bottom line is you and I are making the choice of this surgery to live long healthy lives.  Most times it is the first 3 bites of something that taste good.  After that we just eat it to fini****!  I know I can have a taste if I really think I will die without it but I am prepared to find other wonderful flavors that I CAN enjoy!

I will be right here with you if you ever need to talk!  Best of Luck!!!

HW  313   SW  285   Goal 155
on 11/16/11 7:51 am - Crosby, TX
 thanks to all of you...this is a process i actually started 10 years ago...i think going through four denials from four different ins companies made me think it was never going to happen...now i've been through all possible tests, & actually have a date, a real close one, it's become real really fast...

and good luck to you all!!!
on 11/16/11 7:53 am, edited 11/16/11 7:55 am

Before I had my surgery I thought I would be incredibly limited and never eat my favorites again.

It wasn't until a few months after surgery I found out that eventually I will be able to likely eat whatever I want again.  Well, I am 18 months out and I have not found anything that I cannot eat, and I have tried most things.  I just limit myself.  Instead of eatting 7 tacos, I eat one and I am full. I don't eat a whole pizza, just a piece.  With that said I also am choosy on when I eat junk.  it is usually when I haven't planned like I should, or go out with friends and want to treat myself. 

You too will likely be able to eat what you want in the future.  That is why it is so important to learn a new way to live, cope, socialize.

The first 6 months were awesome because I was never hungry.  The nerves in the stomach are cut and you don't feel hunger.  (That is one reason you must measure your food)  It  gets tougher when you start feeling hunger,  and start to absorb all the calories you eat.  The RNY will get you to a good weight and you will be healthier if you stick to the plan. 

I think my real work is about to begin as I approach 2 years out.  I am a new person and up for the challenge....you will be too.

I had about 8 last meals the days leading to my surgery.  Things I thought I would never get again.   Doesn't work that way.  It is a tool that will help you lose and learn what is appropriate to consume.

Oh one thing I cannot eat is a bowl of ice cream.  I can only handle a very small scoop

Stick to the plan they give you and stay on track always.  You will do fine!  Best thing I ever did.

on 11/16/11 8:04 am
I am 9 days post op RNY and I was the same way for a while. I came to a point where I realized that it was not that I was going to be giving up flavors and indulgence and everything I ever knew about food and its comfort to me. I was giving up so many other things like embarrassment in pictures, torturous experiences in the dressing room, dreading pictures and vacations, an early end to my life.. Those are all things I am anxious to give up. I am on my way to gaining though... gaining happiness!! :) and you will too. I do realize it is hard because I am going through it at this moment so just realize you'll still be able to have those wonderful foods just in small amounts because moderation is SO important. Also, you'll realize just how important it is to go for high protien/low carb/low sugar foods. My dietician has been great with giving me good ideas about food and you'll want to be inventive with ways to sweeten or add flavor to foods that otherwise will look bland or so so. You'll do fine. You've obviously already admiitted you have a very supportive family which is more than alot of people have. Make sure and include your family as much as you can in the process, what to expect and you'll be suprised at how much they will help you. Remember the surgery is ONLY a tool. It is true, you wont be very hungry the first 4-6 days you'll mostly want liquids which is what you'll get. Then, you'll work your way into soft foods then eventually you'll be able to have pretty much anything.. just in moderation and you'll want to watch breads and starches because they will expand very easily in your new pouch and you'll use artificial sweetners (splenda/truvia/etc) instead of sugar. Hope some of this helps.. You'll do great and tell yourself this.... Nothng tastes as good as skinny feels!! :) I have seen that phrase multiple times so it's one of my favorites!
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