I had my surgery Friday 18 Nov and came home today 19 Nov2011

on 11/19/11 8:57 am - Waverly Hall, GA
Well I had my gastric by pass surgery on Friday, November 18th,2011. I also had to have an LOA (Lysis of Adhesions) I had major scar tissue from previous surgery I had in 2010.

I am excited but I have gas pains out of this world and I kind of feel hungry now that I am home with my family. Has anyone felt that way after they got home?

on 11/19/11 9:06 am - VA
 Wow, you came home quickly!!  I was in the hospital for 2 1/2 days.  I had the gas pains on my 2nd night post-op.  The best thing is to walk, walk, walk!!!  Most pain meds don't really work on gas pains so you need to try to walk as much as you can.  I was also told not to drink w/ a straw because that can lead to more gas.  

Congratulations on your surgery!!
on 11/19/11 9:17 am - Waverly Hall, GA
Thanks Binebrinkrn for the fast response. I know! I was told to that I would stay 2-3 days. I had my surgery around 9 am Friday morning and by evening I was up walking around. But I have been walking like crazy and still no luck. I guess I will keep walking. Because it is very uncomfortable.

How did you do with your diet once you got home? I was doing fine pre-op and then when I got home today my sister was cooking spaghetti. Uggghh. I could have screamed. But I know I havt to stay focused in order to be successful but I honestly got hungry and wanted to eat.
Jessica A.
on 11/19/11 9:28 am - Auburn, AL
 Wow.  That's so great that you were able to come home so fast.  I was in the hospital for four days.  I certainly did not feel like eating at all for quite some time.  Focusing on getting your water in initially is so important.  You do not want to get dehydrated.  It can happen so fast.  Your next goal after water is protein.  For me this was not an easy task to try to fit in both water and protein at first but it gets better over time.  My diet at first was protein shakes, cottage cheese, greek yogurt and applesauce (which I used as a vehicle to take my meds that had to be crushed) and lots and lots of sugar free popsicles.  I couldn't keep enough popsicles stocked in the freezer and they can count towards your liquids for the day.  Good luck and keep up the good work!
on 11/19/11 9:58 am - Waverly Hall, GA
Hey Jessica! I was surprised too. But I still have the JP drain in and I go back on Monday or Tuesday for them to remove my drain.

I am a little confused on how it works in regarding to the diet. I know that you should be on clear liquids at first. So I went to the store and picked up lots of popsicles, jello and broth while I was waiting on a prescription to be filled. So should we be drinking the protein drinks in the clear liquids phase? I just want to make sure I am doing the right thing.

Does the applesauce make the meds taste better?
Jessica A.
on 11/19/11 10:26 pm - Auburn, AL
 Every surgeon's diet is different.  Make sure you ask yours on Monday to get a better picture.  I was already off of clear by the time I got home because I spent the four days in the hospital on clear liquids.  They did give me protein drinks in the hospital so I assume yes but it would be wise to ask your surgeon.  Yes, the applesauce helps.  I used to take a med that was horribly bitter to have it crushed.  My surgeon allowed me to mix it with a tablespoon of applesauce to help get it down.  I actually had one pill I had to crush and the other was a capsule.  The contents of the capsule would also have been difficult to get down without the applesauce.
on 11/19/11 9:56 am - Meridian, ID
 My surgery was on Monday, discharged on Wednesday and in the ER last night.  I am having trouble with the incision in the upper left...from pain to infection explosion with terrible oder late yesterday...thus ER. Really didn't notice gas pain as much as burps and toots.  I have been able to sip the 62 ounces of water and protein shakes, but no I really haven't been hungry.  Doesn't mean I don't look forward to chewing up those yummy vitamins.
on 11/19/11 10:01 am - Waverly Hall, GA
Oh WOW! I am so sorry to hear about your ER and infection experience.So how are you feeling now? I am excited (NOT) about crushing all of my pills to take them  LOL!
on 11/20/11 12:38 am - Meridian, ID
I am still draining quite a bit from my wound.  Taking antibotics.  In some ways feel great but in others not so much.  I wish I would hear from others who had would drainage maybe I would feel like there will be an end in sight.  Thank you for asking.  I hear you...just chewed up my thyroid meds...yuk
on 11/19/11 9:58 am - OH
I was only in the hospital one night.  I think coming home as soon as possible is better.  I don't mean people should come home if they still need medical care.  But I would not want to stay if I was able to be home.

Walking is best for the gas. You can try a heating pad.  Rocking in a rocking chair might help, too, if you have one.  It just takes some time.

As far as you diet, please, make it easy for yourself and do whatever your doc told you to do with that for right now.  I was on full liquids.  I drank protein shakes (though not enough and I ended up having problems from not getting enough protein), at yogurt, some broth, some sugar free popsicles... I didn't feel very hungry for a few weeks but some people do.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


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