Standing on the edge and I need a push!

on 12/12/11 4:18 am - TN
I need a push into Onederland.  I'm almost there!  It's so close I can almost reach out and touch it!  I'm five pounds away!!!

It seems that I'm starting to level out with every five pound loss.  I know, I didn't gain it overnight and I won't lose it overnight.  I know that my body has to have time to adjust to weight loss.'s so darn close!

On a different note, I'm having partial knee replacement Wednesday.  Not looking forward to the pain and physical therapy to follow but I AM looking forward to finally being able to exercise.  Maybe that will be just the thing I need to flip over the border into the 100s.
on 12/12/11 4:47 am - TX
Hey, we are in the same boat.....except I have been hovering between 201 and 204 since October.      I am also having knee surgery, but, mine is total replacement on Jan. 16.

I am SO looking forward to being able to exercise again...was walking 6 miles a day and poof knee went out and am at this standstill.   It will get better for both of us !!!!  WE CAN DO THIS !!!!  j

Good Luck on your surgery and I hope you are exercising again REAL soon !!!!!
Slow and steady !!!!  Have a Blessed Day !!!!!!                             
Price S.
on 12/12/11 7:07 am - Mills River, NC
I'm almost 3 weeks out from a total knee replacement.  I did lose a few pounds with the surgery and haven't gained it back so maybe that will push you over the edge.

I am finally in less pain and have been able to reduce my pain meds some.  The beginning was really rough, much worse than WLS ever thought about being.  Now pain comes from PT, trying to expand my ROM which has been bad for maybe 20 yrs. 

A little advice that may help with the weight loss and will help with your healing from the knee, up your protein.  I've been doing 140+ for over a month, 160ish for the last week before surgery and since.  Protein up, carbs down kept my weight coming off pretty evenly for months even though I slowed down at the end.

I am glad that I have been 108lbs less during this recovery.  I know it will help.

    LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat  66 yrs young, 4'11"  hw  220, goal 120 met at 12 months, cw 129 learning Maintainance

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