appetizer question

Jackie M.
on 12/23/11 11:52 am - Fairhaven , MA
Christmas day my sister and her husband are having scallops wrapped in bacon.  Can i have the bacon, or should I just eat the scallop with out the bacon.  My surgury was 9/6.  thanks.  Have a great holiday!!
Kat Kat
on 12/23/11 11:57 am - AZ
I eat bacon, but it has to be crisp, and not greasy. Just remember everyone is different , so what works for one person, might not work for another.



Jessica A.
on 12/23/11 12:07 pm - Auburn, AL
 I agree with Kat.  For me if it's greasy, I get so nauseous!  I have had no problems if it's nice and crispy though and not dripping with grease.
on 12/23/11 12:57 pm
 Your surgery was just a week after mine, I think, and you could try a little but really chew it well.  I eat a little crumbled up in salads and have been okay so far.  Why don't you just ask her to leave it off and eat the scallop alone.  There will be a lot of challenges for us this holiday so just decide where you draw the line.  
Raynae S.
on 12/23/11 1:24 pm - PA
I was 4 days before you and I eat bacon. If you have some at home try a piece before you go to your sisters.
Price S.
on 12/23/11 8:35 pm - Mills River, NC
Scallops were my best friend early out and most folks tolerate fish pretty well.  Unless it has soaked up tons of fat from the bacon, it should be fine.  Just take it slow.  And try bacon before hand if you can.  At almost 4 months out, you should be ok unless you have had lots of problems with different food types.

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Tim T.
on 12/23/11 10:19 pm - Eastham, MA
I agree with the above posts, and my opinion is- how much of it are you really going to eat anyways? A serving of bacon wrapped scallops from a restaurant has maybe 2 strips of bacon on it. If it is an app. before your meal at 4 months out you probably won't fini**** anyway, and if it's your meal, determine how much of the bacon you really want to eat and make adjustments accordingly. p.s. I'm speaking from experience-I just love that stuff.. just sayin..

Tim T.

on 12/24/11 1:07 am - Springfield, IL
Everyone responds differently to different foods, but fat is definitely a bane for me - makes me feel bad if I eat too much.  But I can have a little, and if the scallop isn't wrapped in the whole strip, you know, just enough to go around the scallop once, that'd be fine for my tummy with the protein that's in the scallop.  That being said, i think you should just try one with bacon, wait about 10 minutes to see how it's sitting, and go from there.  If you're really worried about it, maybe just try 1/2 of the bacon it's wrapped in.

Good luck!

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