bad, REALLY bad back pain

on 12/23/11 2:25 pm - TN
 It started around thanksgiving after going black friday shopping for 12 hrs straight...after about an hour of standing in lines and walking etc it started aching...and now its nearly constant but of course worse the more im on my feet. Its from middle down to lower and NOTHING alieviates the pain. I take xtra strength tylenol and it does NOTHING. I cant find anything else I can take that DOESNT hvae NSAIDS in it so what do i do? Loratabs work well when we have some in the house but im out and I cnat do ANYTHING with this pain...all i want to do is sit all the time. Christmas shopping has been killer but good exerise. Tryiung to ride horses again too and it hurts with that as well. Should I go to a dr? Ive read that back pain is common as our bodies adjust to weight loss, new posture etc but my GOD i cant take this pain. HELP! I hurt worse now than BEFORE i lost all this weight :(
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 12/23/11 2:52 pm - OH
The only medications that are probably going to help all require a prescription... Pain meds like Tramadol, Lortab, Vicodin... or a muscle relaxer like Flexeril... but since it is now Christmas Eve, that probably is not an option until Monday.  

Assuming that the problem is muscular, try a really hot bath, a heating pad, those heat patches, or even some Ben-Gay or similar product.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

(deactivated member)
on 12/23/11 4:04 pm
Please visit your DR. and make sure it isn't anything else. I too had bad back pain and it turned out I had a stricture and an ulcer. The pain radiate out into my back and rib cage. I have Fibro so I just thought it was a bad spell. Wish I had seen DR. earlier. Make an appt. with your Dr. Better safe than sorry
(deactivated member)
on 12/23/11 6:40 pm
 I have suffered with severe back pain for many many years. You do need to see a doctor. 
You are getting your health in better shape with your WLS you don't want something else 
hindering it.

on 12/23/11 7:25 pm
Pain meds may help in the immediate relief. Working on my core strength is what helped me.

" Oh you who love clear edges more than the edges that blurr."
April A.
on 12/23/11 10:28 pm - SC
Please go to the doctor! I've just turned 30 and I have suffered with back pain for many many years...I just went to docs and they always gave me a muscle relaxer and pain pill, but my pain continued. I finally broke down and went to a spine doctor and guess what...I had an 80% herniated disc. Had to have emergency surgery and then doctors found that I had it for so long that 60% of it was calcified. They had to remove most of my disc. They could have justified a fusion, but because I was so young and losing weight, they didn't. I'm not telling you this to scare you, but you should go to a doc. Possibly even going straight to a spine doctor, because urgent cares and doctors offices are just going to give you meds and it's not always a fix all! Good luck!!!
on 12/23/11 10:49 pm, edited 12/23/11 10:50 pm - Gaylord, MN
I see a chiropractor for my back pain.  I have quite a bit of degeneration in my spine and it occasionally is thrown out of alignment.  A couple trips to the chiropractor usually resolves the issue for me.  In the meantime I find that the pain I have is usually due to inflamation and ice helps significantly.  Heat usually feels good to me after a few days when the inflamation is controlled a bit better.  I also use valerian root to help relax the muscles and control the spasms that cause the pain.

If your pain is due to misalignment, core exercises (like a previous poster mentioned) will help strengthen your muscles and keep things in better alignment.  Of course, you do not want to start those until you are feeling better.

on 12/23/11 11:22 pm - Chandler, AZ
Find an urgent care today and see if you can get some Vicodin and Flexeril to hold you over until you can get in to see your doctor next week. I had to do this a couple weeks ago when a nasty shoulder problem flared up on a Friday and I was heading out to Vegas for the weekend. Thank goodness The urgent care by my house is awesome and bariatric friendly. With all the walking in Vegas I would have been miserable without the Flexeril!
"Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will come"           

on 12/24/11 10:31 am - KY
girl, i hurt in my back to. i did before surgery . so i thought once i lost the weight i would feel better .. WRONG!!! i suffer so bad some days i dont want to leave home for anything. sometimes i take half a loritab if i have it . i feel your pain. . i also hurt in the back of my neck... get well soon..
on 12/24/11 11:56 am - TN
 Im so limited in what i can take for pain, but im afraid the dr are just goiing to think im trying to get drugs. I feel weird saying i need pain meds for my the past tylenol would have helped..not MUCH but at least some (tylenol never has done much for me so i would use advile, aleive etc which i cant take now :()....GOnna have to do somtehing tho i cant stand this :(
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