Christmas Challanges-is this normal??

on 12/25/11 10:35 am - IN
Up till now I've done very well at sticking to a low fat, low carb, high protein diet since my RNY surgery in July.  I thought I was doing very well at staying away from the "bad" food.  But as the holiday season has been in full force the last couple of weeks, I've found myself struggling a bit here and there.  NO, I did not go full force and get that egg nog shake I wanted so badly or eat that pumpkin roll that was calling my name.  BUT, I have snuck a peanut M&M or two over the last two weeks.  It's my fault really.  I've always kept chocolate kisses and m&ms in Christmas colors in little candy dishes around the house for my husband and for guests when they come and of course for myself in the past, but I'm not a huge lover of candy so I didn't think it would be that big a deal for me this year.  WRONG!  With the stress of a severed relationship with my brother, an injured family member, job stress etc. I've weakened a bit I'm afraid.  I found it harder and harder to pass the bowl without snatching an M&M or two a few times a day.  While I'm sure it wasn't enough to make me dump, (I don't know yet if I do dum*****t) it was enough to scare me that I might be slipping.  I don't want to test the waters.  I don't want to find out if I dump, I'm scared of it.  I also don't want to find out that I don't dump, that scares me more.  My mentality about this slip up is better than before surgery.  Back then I would've given up and gorged myself thinking "I've blown it anyways"...  But now, I'm renewed.  I've come this far, let's not go back, let's start again and keep going.  But it's still hard not to feel those old feelings of guilt and shame that, let's face it, make me want to emotionally eat again.  It's a viscous cycle.  Anyone else feel this way??
So what is the solution?  I don't know.  How do I keep from going over the edge?  How do I get remotivated to stay away from those pesky sugar loaded trip ups?  ya know, besides the obvious "don't fill the candy dishes anymore"??  Could really use some help here.  Thanks
Kristi N.
on 12/25/11 11:13 am - NC
It is so hard, especially this time of year. Well-intentioned friends and family bombard us with goodies during the Holiday season. We sabotage ourselves thinking just one or two pieces won't hurt. You are lucky if you don't dump, the pain and other symptoms are awful! I did it gefore I ever had surgery and swore I never wanted to go through that again.

Recognizing that you slipped a little is good. You haven't failed and you are on track. Don't give up. I don't buy candy for myself, but we keep a full candy dish at work. My lovely co-workers have added a smaller dish with sugar free Werthers. I love them for it.

Today at my son's house for Christmas, my mother got a bit upset when I flat out turned down her Red Velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. She used guilt..."I baked the cake, thinking someone would enjoy it, and you know how hard it is for me to stand for long. I have to use my walker." She used coersion..."You've gone for so long without any kind of sweets, certainly your doctor will understand just this once...". She even tried "This is soooo yummy!" I told her that we never expect her to bake anymore because of her frailty (81 yrs old and broke a hip this year) and its not my doctor's decision, it's mine. I have gone without because it's whats best for me. I don't feel deprived.

On the other hand, I made breakfast for my man the other day and would have killed for 1/2 an english

Tomorrow is another day...we can get through them by thinking strong and knowing that our food decisoions are making us healthier, stronger, and happier people. Each day is a victory. Take a deep breath and don't beat yourself up over a couple little M&M's.

HW 244lbs SW 232lbs CW 148lbs GW 125-130lbs                     
on 12/25/11 11:42 am - IA
I hate to say that I ate a few bites here and there this holiday of stuff that probably wasn't the best choice. I found the best way was to take a bite and toss the rest.

I cooked 2 holiday meals with all the trimmings and stuck pretty well to eating the right portions. At the end of the meal, I packed up all the leftovers and sent them home with the relatives.

I am still a food addict and know my shortcomings, so I didn't want to deal with leaving tempting food in the house.
on 12/25/11 1:02 pm - MN
 Lets see the other day i ate 2 mini sugar cookies at work..then i made some flourless peanut butter cookies here at home and ate a few of them.  Santa brought me a container of m&m's and i have been eating on them for the last 2 days.  And I have eaten a few bites of pie.  Thats my naughtiness.  WOW i didn't think it would be so hard, yet still in life i know i would eat this stuff just not very often.  I think anything in moderation is ok.  I also ate my 3 oz of turkey and spoonful of potatoes and a spoonful of corn for supper and so far have drank about 8 cups of tea and water today. lol.  So my story is..if its not in the house i won't eat it...if it is and i see it i might be one to munch.  Note to self:  tomorrow start anew.... Happy holidays everyone.  

Laurie says:  Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind  ~~~ dr. suess

on 12/25/11 6:55 pm, edited 12/25/11 6:59 pm - MA
This is exactly how I feel!  Ever since Thanksgiving, I've felt so deprived of not being able to gorge myself with food.  Talk about feeling sorry for myself. 

I too nibbled on things I haven't put in my mouth since my surgery.  Last night when I was cleaning up {I did all the cooking and baking} I was putting cookie crumbs in my mouth and also I had a small piece of pumpkin pie.  I was even thinking of a piece of apple pie, but stopped myself as my pouch was screaming at me.  Thank goodness for that!

I am an emotional eater as well and as usual, this holiday season was no different thinking of my mother having lost her 6 years ago, it seems like only yesterday.  I too have a severed relationship with my oldest sister that will probably never be resolved and we had her and my niece here for the holidays every year, so that was hard too. 

Looking back at what I did eat, I don't think it will cause harm, but I know now to stop eating like that and go on.  It's so hard not being able to eat like before, but on the other hand, I am so grateful for this surgery and the weight loss I have achieved.  For me, it's the constant talking to myself about keeping on track and trying to stay healthy. 

Now that the holidays are over, I think it should be easier to deal with the eating.  Holidays are so tough with all the goodies around.

It's true, just keep the goodies out of the house to make it less tempting to eat them.  I know how hard it is, but keep up the good work you've done!  Give yourself a pat on the back, you've done wonderful!
"You must do the things you think you cannot do."  Eleanor Roosevelt   
on 12/25/11 10:07 pm
It has been really tough. Goodies are everywhere, at home and at work. It's been really hard not to taste things. I tried to make SF rum balls with Torani's syrups and rum extract = was only okay. Not my favorite treat anyway. I kept Atkins bars handy to have one of those instead of the "bad" stuff. It's been helpful doing that. I felt like I had a treat while everyone else was munching. Yesterday was the worsest day - I had munchies all day, even though I ate right, I still wanted to break into the bad staff. I kept drinking my flavored water and I had SF hot cocoa instead. I'm not a saint, I've nibbled here and there. I'm just afraid of dumping so I won't eat a whole piece of anything. I'm also afraid that I won't dump on bad foods. I just try to stay on track. One day at a time, one hour at a time.
on 12/26/11 1:47 am - Boise, ID
While I'm sorry to hear you're having troubles, I'm happy to see someone else is going through what I feel.  I also had surgery in July, and I lost 50 before so I was eating healthy then, too.  I have been really good about eating- getting my protein, eating healthy, watching my sugar in things like greek yogurt etc.   I've been drinking my liquids, avoiding caffeiene, carbonation and alcohol and been a pretty model patient.  But, the holidays are a KILLER.

I sit in my office and think about the cirspy cream donuts and home made toffee and everything.  I'm single and live alone so I don't have to do any baking or have anything in the house, but I brought home some candy I got as a gift (I was going to re-gift it) and I opened it and ate 5 Ghiradelli pepermint chocolates.  I didn't dump and I also had you're thoughts that I want to believe sugar would make me sick - even if it didn't. 

I treated myself to two of my mom's homemade caramels and one piece of fudge over the last couple days but avoided the pumpkin pie and home made ice cream.  At first I was beating myself up terribly, but when I think about it, and realize I ate 10 pieces of candy in nearly 6 months, I know it's a victory.  I used to eat that many pieces of candy daily - at least during the holidays.  Now, I'm back on track with healthy eating and working out and I know I can do this.

You can do it, too!
HW:  407 SW: 357 RNY 7/11/11      
on 12/26/11 12:12 pm - Chandler, AZ
These last couple weeks have been so hard...I definitely ate some stuff I should not have, but I am trying not to beat myself up about it. We are human, and food addicts, or we would not have needed this surgery. We make mistakes, hopefully learn from them, and move on. Don't beat yourself up. It's a new year, and the first "new year" of your new life. I am just happy I did not gain anything this season - I lost some, but not like I was, so I need to buckle back down.

Keeping healthy 100 calories snacks in my desk helps me - I like almonds and pumpkin seeds. I also have an emergency bag of sugar free Life Savers in my desk if I really feel like I need a sweet fix - I eat one or two and I am good. It's all about balance, reality and moderation in our new lives. I also find drinking, drinking, drinking all the time helps, too!

Happy New Year and keep your chin up!
"Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will come"           

on 12/26/11 12:18 pm - FL
I would suggest you find Kelly's recent post on "cheating".... a real eye-opening realization, at least it was for me.

                              HW 353 SW 317 Original GW 180  Current Wt  170 
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                                                    1st Half Marathon 2:48

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