9 Month Check Up Today

on 1/12/12 4:05 am - Westminster, MD
I am excited and a little nervous all at the same time.  I know I am doing well and look and feel my best but I don't think I will be down in weight since my 6 month visit.  I know rationally  this should not bother me because I excercise more and am fit so that may be the case,  BUT I dont' want to be the same or more since my last visit. :-(  I am just venting because I have not been happy about this teetering of these 3 lbs for 3 months.  Anyway, if anyone wants to give me some inspiration to get me jump started again on the losing side I would appreciate it.  Is this normal around the 9 month mark to go through this???
on 1/12/12 5:37 am - Wilmington, NC
I'm just over a month out, so no words of wisdom... but saw no one had replied and wanted to let you know I think you've done great for 9 months!  What did your surgeon say?

Ellen            RNY      Surgery Date: 12/6/2011
5' 5.5"          Surgery BMI 37.5        HW 254            SW 230         GW 150 - reached 11/6/12 


on 1/12/12 9:32 am - Westminster, MD

i was the same weight as you starting off and I am at your goal weight right now.  You will enjoy it I promise!

on 1/12/12 6:07 am - NC
Just because you think you haven't lost anything doesn't mean that is what their records will show. Everytime I think I haven't done well but the scale has gone down from their records. Hope things went well!


HW 225, SW 219, GW 140, CW 124

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!  

on 1/12/12 7:26 am - MD
How did your appointment go? Congats on what you have done all ready!

on 1/12/12 8:38 am - Westminster, MD
Well did not go so bad.  I was down 1/2 lb BUT I am still ahead of the game he said.  I have lost 63% and my bmi is 27.  He felt like I only need to lose another 10lbs.  He said that most people lose about 63% at a year so he was happy with my loss right now.  I can't believe I really only hace 10 more to go.  I remember thinking when I would hear skinny people say "I have to lose 10lbs" I would be like that's it I wish that was all I had to lose and guess what THAT IS ME NOW!!! Unreal how life changes.  He was impressed with my excersise regimen and said I'll see ya in 3 months, keep up the great work and you look good.
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