Extreme frustration and utter disappointment!

on 2/8/12 10:13 am, edited 2/8/12 10:16 am - North Brookfield, MA

Almost two weeks ago I started having upper right quadrant pain, it was minor at first but by last Wednesday resulted in me going to the Dr.  He sent me over to the ER for a CT scan, this of course took over 10 hours and I ended up being admitted because they could not find a reason for the pain.   I stayed in the hospital two days and still have the pain, I have seen my PCP again today and have an appointment with my bariatric surgeon tomorrow. 

The reason for my frustration and disappointment is the way I was treated while in the hospital.  First let me say, this is the SAME hospital I had my RNY at almost two years ago.  The ER doctor made the comment to me that I "took something that was working and essentially broke it", referring of course to my RNY.  The nurse who was nice as could be was also openly against bariatric surgery.  Due to morphine I did not remember most of what was said in the ER until my friend who was with me, she also had RNY three years ago, started talking to me about it and suddenly I remembered everything!!  The nurses on the floor weren't much better either.  There was a nurse on the floor who made the comment there was NO WAY she would have the surgery done and belittled the need or the choice for the surgery.

When I was admitted, I was placed on a clear liquid diet.  This consisted of regular jello, apple juice, gingerale, italian ice and broth.  No matter how many times I told them I needed sugar-free or no sugar added items and could not drink soda at all they did not make any changes.  The next day when my diet was changed to a regular diet someone came to my room to take my "order", which is a great option rather than just giving you whatever the dish of the day happens to be.  This was better because I could ask for items more along the lines of what I could eat, there really didn't seem to be many good choices but considering I ate a few bites it was ok.  The dietician came to my room about two hours before I was released and was asking questions about my diet, she honestly seemed clueless to what the restrictions could be for a bariatric patient. 

Needless to say I am going to let my bariatric surgeon know what I experienced during my stay.  Perhaps it is just an education issue or maybe an issue that needs to be talked about within staff meetings like the diversity classes that everyone seems to be so big on to make sure we don't offend someone of a different race or sexual orientation.  Apparently, those items are off the table but it is still acceptable to belittle someone who decides to take on a HUGE commitment and change their life to increase their longevity, enjoy life more, be healthier, look better, etc. 

Sorry for the ramblings but this is NOT acceptable!!!

OH Support Group Leader
Surgery Date 03/12/10
HW 302/SW 294/CW 199/GW 169

on 2/8/12 10:33 am - MA
 That was horrable, sorry you had to endure this! Noticed ur from mass, what hospital did ur surgery?
on 2/8/12 10:44 am
Revision on 07/05/16
If this hospital doesn't participate in a follow-up opinion survery, you should write a letter to both the hospital and nurse administrators about your experience. Nothing will change unless people complain. I'm a RN and this behavior is unacceptable.

HW322 SW296 GW150 LW196 

RNY 8-29-11

Revision to Distal bypass 7-5-16

SW262 GW165 

John 3:16



on 2/8/12 10:56 am
Let the hospital ombudsman know, too. If you can remember names, complaint letters can end up in their personnel files.

I would let my insurance company know, too. I have seen cases where the hospital had to pay back money because of the care or lack thereof provided.
on 2/8/12 12:41 pm - North Brookfield, MA
It was UMass Memorial Campus.
(deactivated member)
on 2/8/12 9:57 pm - North Brookfield, MA
That is terrible!  So sorry you are having such trouble.  I need to find a bariatric dr. closer to home and I was thinking Umass would be the logical choice. 
on 2/8/12 7:53 pm
RNY on 02/28/12
completely unprofessional/unethical  to pass this type of judgement.  I would definitely write to the ombusperson and give details and names if possible.

One caveat, are you absolutely sure (given the drugs) that your memory is correct?  I would hate to cause trouble for someone who didn't actually do the deed.

I would also follow up on the dietary issues.  Really quite unacceptable.

Sorry you had to experience such negative care.  I hope your pain settles down soon.

on 2/8/12 8:29 pm - Niceville, FL
 With so many health professionals at one hospital making the same comments, it kind of makes me wonder how many "botched" RNY surgeries they may see come through there on a regular basis and if that is what they're basing their opinions on. 
on 2/9/12 12:39 am - NJ
I HEAR YOU.   I had an issue like that after my RNY and then 6 weeks later was in the ICU.  NO ONE CARED I HAD RNY.  No one.  I was so depleted by the time i left i was a mess.  I wrote to the Omsbudsman or Patient Manager.  She is meeting with the dr. nursing staff and dietary .  My hospital is a Center of Excellence and i want to be sure they earn it.

"Something has changed within me. Something is not the same". Elphaba    
on 2/9/12 3:47 am
I do not understand the comment about "breaking your tool". Have you gained all your weight back? what about it did he think you broke? The hospital I had my surgery in was similar in the dietary issues and my surgeon does surgery there every week so you'd think by now they would know about the sugar free stuff. I don't understand how that cannot be widespread knowledge when you are a nurse at a hospital that performs this surgery.
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