4 1/2 yr out in for Emeg Revision and a few issues way under goal =(

on 2/9/12 2:10 pm - CA
Revision on 01/30/12
Hello I am back I was 4 1/2 yrs out RNY a few minor issues in those years but out of the blue 2 weeks ago I found myself in the ER on the verge since day one I have had issues eating a few bites would bring on massive pain easy for Dr to say Oh its normal take this ....enough was enough found out my orginal Dr in AZ was NO LONGER in bussiness I was lucky enough to get into a great Dr here in the Area of where I live had my appt set up and a few days before my appt I was addmitted and was in surgery to fix a host of things ...4 hrs later I was in ICU but woke up feeling better than I had in years My orginal Dr no longer was dealing with patients past year 3  I had sought out the Mayo Clinic in Arizona like other Dr's made me feel that my issues were all in my head he went as far as to say I had an eating disorder OK what part of food hurt no matter how tiny my bites and even if I chewed or did soft I could eat soup but after years of this and massive weight loss I was 32 # under weight my lab's were up and down Mayo labs would say one thing a trip to the ER said another ...finally a Dr who did a CT and MRI and who took the time to find out why I went into surgery knowing that my New Dr had complete control and he and his team would do what was best to fix my pouch ..so when someone says if it does not feel right go with that feeling WE ARE NOT the same inside once we are RNY ...I had ring around my stoma that had begun to erode and had massive scare tissue build up that was closing off my entire stomach a hernia that should have been fixed day ONE and he had to do a compete revision of my RNY I am now 9 days out lucky that I am on a fast track for my foods since weight gain is soo important at this point as is my nutrtion NO PAIN is the best part no pain meds 20 min before trying to eat I wanted to share my story I had really started to give up ...My new Dr is Higa in Fresno what an awesome Dr looking back I wish I had chosen him in the first place instead of going with a Dr in AZ who my Co workers bragged so much about ...Starting over again yes its hard and even harder when you have already been down this road ...it is a journey I have always said it was a lifetime and I still say that ...the Dr asked me before I went into surgery if I had regrets I said let see how I feel when I wake up LOL when he pulled out that drain the other day I was ready to come flying off that table omg that thing hurt ...he again asked soo would you do it again I had to smile and say Yes now I would ...So enjoying my soft food phase and hoping that everyone from my old days on here is doing well and best of luck to all of you who are just starting the journey or like me starting over ....Lisa
on 2/9/12 2:24 pm
I'm glad things are better for you.  It bears repeating.  Pain is not normal and shouldn't be tolerated.  I know that I tolerated a lot of things after my first WLS because I assumed it was normal and I just had to live with it.  I found out that I didn't have to live with things that were intolerable.
I have heard bad things about those rings.  I hope yours was removed.  Many people with them had problems.  Things should be much better now.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 2/9/12 3:01 pm - CA
Revision on 01/30/12
Yes the ring is gone ...I love that I feel so alive and just about normal again I felt like I lost 4 yrs of mylife to pain ...and so glad that I kept fighting till I got the right answer..
Citizen Kim
on 2/9/12 10:20 pm - Castle Rock, CO
With the history of the ring around the stoma, akin to what people suffer with lapbands,  I'm very surprised that that wasn't the first investigation!!!  Did you know that's what you had?

I'm glad you are back on the mend now!

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 2/9/12 10:59 pm
I am so happy for you.  It is so frustrating when we know our bodies well but cannot get anone to listen to what we are saying.  Thankfully it sounds like you have found an excellent doctor. 

(deactivated member)
on 2/10/12 10:06 am
RNY on 05/07/12
What is the "ring" I had a lapband that was removed and spent years not being able to eat and in pain. I have gained a lot of weight and am just working on losing my pre-op weight so I can have RNY....but I have not heard of a "ring" before.
on 2/10/12 10:25 am - CA
Revision on 01/30/12
Think of it as a tiny O ring around the stoma it's called a Cylistic Ring ...I call it an ouch ring ...it keeps your stoma from getting larger over the years does NOT let you over eat or take bites larger than a dime ( this is about the size of the ring) YOU have to take small bites and chew no less than 25 times even after 4 yrs tiny bites and chew chew chew was painful I am in Aww that I can eat an entire pudding SF cup and have no pain ...
Lady Lithia
on 2/10/12 10:31 am

I remember you!!! :) 

Glad you are getting things taken care of. My original Doc here in AZ ended up losing operating privileges and ultimately I chose to go to another one, I didn't want to be left by the side of teh road if I had issues.

Glad that things are improving. That's a whole heckofalot of time to wait for the improvement.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 2/12/12 6:05 am - CA
Revision on 01/30/12
Hey I remember you mine was Dr Simon all I can say is lesson learned...4 yrs of mylife lost life is finally awesome =) I was advised to obtain a lawyer and we tinkin of doin just it
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