Oatmeal or Coco Wheats???

on 2/13/12 10:31 am - Romeoville, IL
Advice on Oatmeal or Coco Wheat's??  Really craving a nice warm bowl in the am for breakfast, but not sure if it is ok to have or not. I'm 8 weeks out today.
on 2/13/12 10:47 am
It sounds like a lot of carbs and little protein. I imagine you're eating
somewhere between 3-4 ounces at a time.  So you would be getting
mostly carbs and not enough protein. You also have to watch out
for sugar...not sure what Coco Wheats are but they sound like
sugary cereal.  Anyway, if you're determined to have hot cereal,
add protein powder to it and maybe some milk to thin it a bit,
but even at that, you will not likely to be able to eat  a full\
serving this early out.  Bump up the protein as much as you

on 2/13/12 10:48 am
You can buy some low sugar oatmeal and then beef up the protein numbers by adding either flavored or unflavored protein powder. I don't do it often, but I always add protein powder to give it that extra boost.
Mia H.
on 2/13/12 11:51 am - OH
 You can make breakfast using Quinoa instead of oatmeal or cream of wheat.  It has 14 g of protein per serving and much easier to digest.  There are all sorts of recipes you can find online.  
on 2/13/12 12:21 pm
Use large flakes oats to make your meal (no instant oats) and add protein powder to it before cooking. It adds nice variety, though I don't do it often.
on 2/13/12 2:06 pm - MN
 at  8 weeks i was eating cocoa wheats, and cream of wheat...nummy its good and does have some protein in it.  Not high numbers but some.  try making them with milk.  Doesn't hurt you at all to eat a bowl sometimes.  I eat Oatmeal most every morning made with milk.  You need the fiber and i can get my protein in other meals over the course of the day.  Protein powder added to it is a good idea too although start out with just a small amount and work your way up.  Enjoy!! 

Laurie says:  Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind  ~~~ dr. suess

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