What is your ultimate NSV? Mine is...

on 2/14/12 10:33 am - Sacramento, CA
That my husband, for the first time ever was able to carry me across our threshold! Not even when we got married 10 years ago was he able to do that. Actually, this is the first time he's been able to carry me at all. So, yeah, that's my huge NSV, the one Ive wanted for years. I even cried... But that's probably my wacky hormones! Lol!
So, what's your amazing NSV that you couldn't wait to achieve?

Height:5'1.5 RNY:11/30/11 HW:307 SW:234 CW:136 GW:140 (LOST 73 Lbs. PRE-OP)



on 2/14/12 10:39 am - FL
I am hopeful for many more... but 2
First - a sad one, but amazing anyway. I was able to be on my knees in the floor for 15 minutes performing CPR on a coworker. A year ago I would have been in agony with my knees and completely unable to bend over to breathe.

A happier one.... I BOUGHT A HORSE!!!! I have had horses all my life, but haven't ridden in around 8-9 years because of my weight. I bought this guy, I can ride him and we do great! WOOT!
Jenifer M.
on 2/14/12 1:29 pm
So when my hubby drives my car, he is skinny enough he adjusts the steering wheel down. Then when I get in next I hit my leg and it bruises. 2 weeks ago I slid right in after he drove it! that's the best I've had so far.
on 2/14/12 2:50 pm
Climbing a flight of stairs without feeling like I'm about to have a heart attack.  I've done that one.  The one I am waiting to achieve is to be able to get my ice skates back on and wear them without the excruciating pain.
Toad         Starting weight: 249 Day of surgery wt: 217  GW: 109 CW 149                                                                    
on 2/14/12 7:44 pm - MD
 Wearing my husbands pants, by accident!!!  Got to work and my jeans just didn't feel right. The first time I have EVER been smaller!!!!!
 "Patience is bitter, but the fruit can be sweet."                            
on 2/14/12 9:26 pm
RNY on 01/30/12
The one I'm looking forward to is riding rollercoasters! Some I could fit in, others the seats/safety restraints were too small. I gave up trying to ride them because of the embarrassment of having to exit without riding when I couldn't fit in the seat.

Hopefully this summer!
HW 270  /  SW 256  / CW 212

on 2/14/12 10:10 pm
 My favorite NSV'S so far has been my daughter asked Meir I could do a cart wheel. She is a competitive gymnast. I always wated to do gymnastics but was to big. She asked I said no I will probably break my arms. I went on to lose 80 lbs on my own and got the courage to do it. I DID A CART WHEEL AT 250 lbs! I told her after surgery and I get to goal she is going to have to give me lessons on the beam, floor, vault and bars! I am serious too I would love to learn a routine for each event your never to old! Heck I'm only 37!

Did the happy dance onto the Loser's Bench March 18, 2013!

Visit my blog at http://skinnyundermyfat.blogspot.com/

on 2/14/12 10:43 pm - AL
my favorite nsv was being able to fit into a pair of Buckle Jeans my daughter always wore them and I would tell her one day I will fit into a pair and at Christmas she bought me my first pair and I cried ! also going to the fair and being able to ride the rides comfortable I have so many nsv's
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 2/14/12 11:36 pm - OH
 I, too, have always wanted "my man" to be able to pick me up.  I have no idea why, but it was something I though would be nice.  Between dating a very slightly built man before I was obese, though, and then being too obese for a larger man to lift, it was never possible.  Alas, I ended a relatively long-term relationship (with a 6ft, 220+ pound man who would have been strong enough to pick up a 150lb woman) before I lost all the weight... and I am not dating anyone now... So, at approaching 5 years post-op, I am still waiting for that NSV.  :(

There have been plenty of others, of course, but still waiting on that one.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 2/14/12 11:48 pm
I have too many to count!

Probably the best one is being able to run 5 miles a day at age 61, and this is involving a person who hates exercise.

I just signed up for the zipline in Jamaica on the OH cruise- that will be a good one!

I love my closet of new pretty clothes and shoes.

I love feeling self confident and not afraid of social situations.

I love waking up in the morning after all these years!


"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls the butterfly." Richard Bach

"Support fosters your growth. If you are getting enough of the right support, you will experience a major transformation in yourself. You will discover a sense of empowerment and peace you have never before experienced. You will come to believe you can overcome your challenges and find some joy in this world." Katie Jay

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