question.. how does pregnancy work after laparoscopic RNY?? do you wish you had done...

Danielle Phinney
on 2/21/12 10:19 am
RNY on 01/30/18
 hi again :)  just another question.. how does pregnancy work after laparoscopic RNY surgery?? is it ever safe?? i might want another child, im only 27 and i have an almost 3 year old.. should i not have the surgery till im sure i dont want more kids? i know some people have babies after this surgery but it is safe? how do you get the correct vitamins and food to the baby?? sooo many things running through my head before i decided if this is what I will do :-/  also i was wondering if anyone wished they had a different surgery or had no surgery at all..? I started going to the gym again today and im going to try not to go out to eat (cus i eat pretty healthy at home) and see if i loose some weight.. Im just really not sure what to do yet :( im very scared!
on 2/21/12 10:24 am - OH
I'm thinking it would be safer to have a baby after WLS than to have one when you are morbidly obese.  You would get the correct vitamins and food to the baby by getting your labs done to see if you need to add aditional vitamins or protein and then making sure to take your vitamins and get your protein every day.  They usually say you should wait at least 18 months or two years after RNY before getting pregnant, because then you'll be able to eat a little more and you'll be absorbing more of the calories that you do eat.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 2/21/12 10:36 am
I cant speak for all surgeons, but mine told me if i wanted another child, to wait atleast 2 years
Danielle Phinney
on 2/21/12 10:42 am
RNY on 01/30/18
 thank you :)
on 2/21/12 10:57 am - Suffern, NY
mine said 18-24 months and you need to take 2 forms of birth control to ma ke sure you dont' pregnant until then - due to our malabsorbtion, we dont' get proper protection from just one for of protection


on 2/21/12 11:27 am - Farmville, NC
RNY on 01/11/12
have you had your pschycological exam yet?  If not, this is something you should discuss with the therapist.  My therapist told me, don't do this until you are sure this is what you want and are committed to work within the new boundaries.  Good luck in your decision.
Danielle Phinney
on 2/21/12 9:50 pm
RNY on 01/30/18
 nope not yet, its next week.. i was just asking questions i had in the mean time :)
on 2/21/12 11:53 am
From experience I will say YES. I had Open RNY surgery in August 2006 and  I got pregnant while ON birth control the end of December 2007 so be sure to ALWAYS ALWAYS use 2 forms of birth control at least until you've hit that 18-24 month. It's not a good thing in the first 18 months post op due to malabsorption.   I got very lucky, and My daughter was born by c-section almost 2 weeks early (due to doctors sceduling and thinking she was breech) at birth she weighed 6 lbs. 1.7 oz and perfectly healthy.   I was smaller after she was born than before I got pregnant.  I even breast fed my daughter without trouble. I now have a happy healthy 3 year old :)  

RNY  8/16/06  Starting weight 262 / Current weight 152
on 2/21/12 12:25 pm - Zebulon, NC
RNY on 01/18/12 with
It was my OBGYN *****commended weight loss surgery to me when I told her I was concerned that I wouldn't be able to have children when I am ready (due to other issues). She said that with my weight and comorbidities, if I were to get pregnant that she wouldn't even treat me but would refer me to a high risk specialist. She said that it would be 18-24 months after surgery before it would be safe for me to get pregnant, so if I wanted to get pregnant in the next couple of years, I should have the surgery sooner rather than later.

Of all the things I was worried about causing problems with pregnancy, my weight was never one I considered.

~Kitteh~   Start 363 / Surgery 346 / Current 204.1 / Goal 150


Brittany M.
on 2/21/12 9:36 pm
My son was born 2 weeks before my 1-year surgiversary!  Yes, I was on the pill when he was conceived.  My doctors were a bit concerned with me being so newly post-op, but everything was fine.  He is now a perfectly healthy 3 year old. 

The baby will take what it needs from your body.  It's just not really an issue.  Make sure you keep taking your vitamins and having your labs done, and post-op pregnancy is perfectly safe!
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