Get Thee to a Psychiatrist?

on 2/26/12 10:07 am - Miami, FL
Soooo... I've wanted a baby for several years now. In fact, it was one of my main motivations in having surgery and getting the weight off. I wanted to hit goal before I got pregnant and as overweight as I was, it was unlikely that I would get pregnant and if I did, wouldn't be a healthy pregnancy. We've tried for almost a year and it finally happened! 

I'm elated... beyond excited.. over the moon happy! I've said it won't matter and that I'd be fine gaining some weight back and I understood it. I felt prepared.. until Saturday morning. I pulled a pair of jeans off the shelf and they were tight. *Deep breath* On the scale and it's up - 4 lbs! I would like to say that I'm a completely reasonable and rational person and said hmm.. 4 lbs, it's ok. I watch what I eat and work out consistently. I'm pregnant.. weight gain - normal. But if I said that, it would be a lie. I FREAKED out. As in went back and sat in the closet and cried about it. Yep, cried about it. I had a melt down over jeans being a bit tighter even while my inner voice was screaming that it was 4 lbs and I'm pregnant!

Should I be seeking professional help at this point? Anyone think this is just an emotional roller coaster moment and my inner sanity will win out and I'll be able to cope with this? Or am I absolutely alone on this one and probably need to seek out therapy? Rationally, I know it's ok and everything is normal about gaining weight, but that didn't stop the tears.


Lowest Weight: 145 lbs
Current weight: 148.6 lbs

Total Loss: 226 lbs



on 2/26/12 10:18 am - OH
I doubt you're alone in this, but some therapy could help.  I would not suggest a psychiatrist, unless you think you might need medication, but a therapist instead.  Pregnancy is a real emotional time for most people, and it sure wouldn't hurt to have some support.

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Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 2/26/12 10:24 am - Lusby, MD
RNY on 01/17/12
I feel for you! I haven't been in your situation but I can empathize how the weight gain may affect you. I say if you feel the need to talk about it, go for it. I know it's easier said than done but try to focus on the goal---to have a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby! If you are doing proper nutrition and exercise I'm sure your weight gain will be minimal. It's expected to gain weight so be prepared, expect it, and embrace it. I would cry too because you have worked so hard to get where you are, but you have also worked so hard to have this baby and you did it! So congratulations mama!
on 2/26/12 10:45 am
 I agree that a therapist would be helpful.  After what you've been through to lose weight, I think it is normal to freak, but you still need someone to help you work it out.  On another note, it's really important for the baby that you not restrict the food you need for nutrients at this time. To have a healthy pregnancy a woman needs to gain a reasonable amount of weight.  A doctor or nurse practitioner can let you know what is normal weight gain and healthy for the baby.  And congrats!  So happy for you.  :)
on 2/26/12 1:10 pm
Therapy is often beneficial depending on the therapist. However, instead of sitting in the closet and  crying over 4 pounds, maybe just set a weight gain goal. Example, "I hope not to gain more than 45-55 pounds during this pregnancy. I'd see your GYN and ask for reasonable weight gain numbers. I'd go back to nutritionist and try to follow a pregancy diet plan instead of making it an eat all you want free for all to feed the baby (not saying this is the case with you).
I would imagine the experience would be emotional and scarey.
on 2/26/12 1:25 pm
II agree that the experience is probably emotional and scary... Even for those who have not had WLS, were/are obese. There's a lot on your plate and support is always a good thing. Your distress may not be as much about the four pounds as any other number of things.

Congratulations on your pregnancy!


HW:317 SW:255 CW:147

on 2/26/12 7:44 pm - FL
I'm always a big advocate for therapy because I feel you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by seeking professional guidance when in distress.

Whenever I'm up against something tough in my life, I like to sit down with a therapist to discuss the big picture as there are some things that are best not navigated alone.

Many congratulations on the baby!!! 
on 2/26/12 9:42 pm

I agree with the therapy comments, just because its amazing awesome to have a non partial third party to talk with no matter the reason.  It helps to be straight in own head, even if you have no control over what your body is making you feel.

awesome news! Are you getting a baby ticker for your sig file?
on 2/26/12 10:15 pm - Miami, FL
My OB-Gyn has set what seems like a reasonable weight goal. She'd like to see me gain 25-30 lbs through pregnancy, but she did say that anything less than 40 lbs would be acceptable. I think for me it's just the challenge in having to actually go up in sizes. I probably will sit down and talk with someone. I would never want to do anything that wouldn't be good for my baby but I don't want to struggle with it either.

I can't see myself using this as a free for all, in fact, I think I'm the opposite. I'm afraid that mentally I'll fixate on everything I put in my mouth and overcompensate and end up under eating.

I don't know how to do the baby ticker thing. How do you do that?


Lowest Weight: 145 lbs
Current weight: 148.6 lbs

Total Loss: 226 lbs



Jennifer M.
on 2/26/12 10:35 pm - MN
RNY on 02/17/12
 You're dressing for two now!  My step-daughter is an extremely petite young lady. She's not obese, but she has had her struggles with weight.   When she gets pregnant, she immediately baloons 5-6 pounds and bgins to show.  Her response is to immediately go shopping for maternity clothes.  She could probably get by with buying slightly larger clothes, but the maternity clothes are for a specific purpose.  

Good luck and congratulations!
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