Better to be safe than sorry!

Jessica A.
on 3/1/12 2:12 pm - Auburn, AL
Well just the other day I posted how everything was going so great after a year out.  I totally jinxed myself because Wednesday at about 10am I started having intermittent extremely sharp bouts of unbearable pain near my belly button.  I was going to wait it out but decided I should contact my surgeons office.  Turns out that my two redundant ends of my intestines where the new hookup from my RNY was had grown a large amount of scar tissue and fused together and formed a loop and my intestines were pushing through it causing them to be cinched up in it.  I had to have surgery immediately to repair it that evening.  He said it was a good thing that I came in and they caught it early because I could have ended up with dead bowel and really been sick.  It just goes to show you that it's always better to check with them if you're not sure!
(deactivated member)
on 3/1/12 2:24 pm
That is so scary. Did your doc say how this could have happened? I don't want to have additional surgery in a year. I'm five weeks post op. I wonder what caused it and how it could have been prevented. Maybe it couldnt have been. I'm glad you went in and they found the problem and fixed it!
Jessica A.
on 3/1/12 2:29 pm - Auburn, AL
Thanks!   No it was just a freak thing.  No one has control over scar tissue.  He told me it was weird but glad I hadn't decided to wait it out.  There wasn't anything I could have done to prevent it.  Recovery is a cakewalk compared to RNY.  They removed a lot of scar tissue and had to remove the redundant ends so that it won't happen again.  
Jessica A.
on 3/1/12 2:32 pm - Auburn, AL
 I should also say that seven months prior to my RNY, I had my gallbladder removed so I had had two abdominal surgeries in less than two years and may have been why I had so much scar tissue.  Everyone is different.
(deactivated member)
on 3/1/12 2:37 pm
I didn't mean to suggest that you could have done anything to prevent this! I'm sorry if that's how you read my comment. I was just wondering if the surgeon did something wrong during the original RNY that caused the other problem to develop. I don't know anything about scar tissue but I'm glad they removed what they needed to and that you caught it in time!
Jessica A.
on 3/1/12 2:45 pm - Auburn, AL
No no.  I totally didn't take anything the wrong way.  No the surgeon said he'd never seen something like it.  When they did the CT, they couldn't figure out what was going on and had three surgeons looking at my pictures and decided that something just didn't look right and when they got in there, I had a lot of swelling from the intestines being irritated and once they got past that and saw what the problem was, they fixed me up.  That's why the CT was difficult to read because of the scar tissue and swelling.  I'm glad they were cautious and I don't feel that they did anything wrong during my RNY.  I don't want to scare anyone.  I just don't want people to ignore something that could potentially make them very sick.  I don't think this is common at all.
(deactivated member)
on 3/1/12 11:05 pm
Good! I'm glad we're on the same page and that your doctors knew what to look for and what to do. It is a good reminder for each of us to not ignore danger signs!
on 3/1/12 6:46 pm
Thank God you are okay.  I am glad your surgeon took your complaints seriously.  That is very serious.  I hope you are feeling better.

Jessica A.
on 3/1/12 7:47 pm - Auburn, AL
 Thank you Dasie.  The surgeon said they like to be extra cautious with their RNY patients and treat them extra special.  I love the staff there.  They are very caring.
on 3/1/12 9:18 pm
Thanks for posting this! I think it's really good to know that pain is not normal, and we should call our Dr's whenever we feel something is just not right.
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