pain in my legs..

on 3/2/12 2:06 am
Hello everyone.. I need help... I had surgery just shy of four weeks ago.. about 13 days out from surgery I started having pain on the side ofmy thighs/hip area.. I have never had this pain before.. it is kinda like a really sore muscle however I haven't done anything to get a sore muscle.. I can't walk up stairs, sit in a chair or things like that with out the pain just really bothering me.. Has anyone experienced this before or have any ideas what it could be.. driving me crazy because it isn't going away and actually getting worse.. HELP
on 3/2/12 2:13 am
My legs began aching when I was about 10 days post op.  One night it was so painful, I took a dose of my pain medicine...I did not even use the pain medicine because I did not have post op pain once I was discharged except for my legs aching.  Nothing seem to lessen the pain either.  I do not know why they ached.  My labs are fine, but I have routine muscle cramps in my legs and feet on many nights.  Stay hydrated, etc., and if it really bothers you, call you PCP or surgeon.

on 3/2/12 2:41 am
I haven't the slightest idea but when I had sciatica, I had terrible pain from my hip and down my leg. It wasn't related to RNY though.
illinois Gama D.
on 3/2/12 3:43 am
i have Bursitis, sounds like the right spot to me, i get cortisone injections for it, it is really painful at times, call your PCP  or ortho dr.
on 3/2/12 4:31 am - Parkton, MD
Bursitis for me too - right at the hip bone on the outside of my leg.  It is an inflamation of the bursa (whatever that is).  I got a steriod shot and it helped tremendously.
HW 357 SW 341   
on 3/2/12 6:12 am
Yes it does maybe sound like bursitas.. It isn't coming from siatica I have had that before.. and it is worse in my right then left.. after I sleep all night or rest it all day it is better but if I am up and around out and about then it is terrible.. so it is related to muscle or joint.. thanks guys that is a great start.. I was concerned it was from dehydration or not enough calcium cuz I have been struggling with those two things.. you all rock... Love this web site..
Kim W.
on 3/2/12 6:47 am
You are obviously the best judge, but calcium deficiency does cause leg cramps. You could always try a little more calcium. Aren't you taking a supplement?? I can't understand why that would be a problem if you take your supplements. Take care. 
on 3/2/12 7:16 am
 My legs have had few cramps since RNY and didn't realize the extra calcium might be the reason.  Thanks!
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