Healthy and Happy 2nd Anniversary to me!

on 3/4/12 5:22 am, edited 3/4/12 5:34 am - Westminster, CO
 Today is my 2nd Anniversary of my Roux-en-Y!!!! 

There has been so many changes in the last two years:

1.  I have lost 153 pounds....still have another 15 to go....but I know that I will do it!

2.  I completed a super Triathlon: 112 mile bike ride,  24 mile swim, and a 12 mile run within a one month span:

3.  I moved from New York to Colorado to Washington State....with 2 teenagers, 2 service dogs, 4 cats and a whole lot of

4.  I will graduate with two Master's Degrees in May of this year....

5.  I have gone from a size 26W to a size 12/14...(hoping to get into a size July...

6.  I have worn out 2 bikes....12 tires/intertubes...3 pairs of tenny shoes.....and now addicted to buying cycling clothes!  

7.  I didn't think it was possible but I have worn out 3 Magic Bullets and had to go out and buy ANOTHER one!  I figure that I should get one free after all

7.  I have to thank some very good friends: Lin...especially as she was the first person who became a friend here.  And for my kids....I wasn't the only one that went through this journey....they stepped up when I needed their help the most.

8.  I still have the flabbies...(arm, thighs and droopy butt/boobs) but what the heck...i

9.  I am made it my perogative to answer any question that is asked about gastric bypass: the good, the bad (even the ones about getting rid of gas, dealing with food that decides it doesn't want to stay down, and lastly and most asked...."Would you do this again????" ............Definitely.

10.  My life still may not include Prince Charming, (and believe me....I still haven't found him,  I still don't make 50,000 a year (don't think that I ever will..LOL)  but life is good...and I can't wait to see what the 3rd year is going to happen....

And the best of the best.... I became a grandma!!!

Thanks and alot of attaboys (and attagirls, too!!!) to all who have helped me with advice, supported me when I was down, and lastly, to Dr. Sadhasivam...(Where ever you are!!!)


Kenyatta W.
on 3/4/12 5:39 am - Indianapolis, IN
RNY on 01/07/13

~Kenyatta"....Nothing never changes itself, Unless YOU make it...."

                          HW: 305 SW: 272 CW: 150  GW: 150

              BMI Finally in Over Weight range..... ECSTATIC!!!!!



















































































(deactivated member)
on 3/4/12 6:36 am - waukesha, WI
You are my new role!
Donna D.
on 3/4/12 7:11 am - Cockeysville, MD
ALL I CAN SAY IS WOWWWW!!Such true inspiration!!

HW:338  SW:316 CW:203 GW:190 MY HT IS 5"11"

(deactivated member)
on 3/4/12 8:53 am - Olympia, WA
You are inspiring, congrats! By the way, I'm in Olympia... Where are you in WA?!
on 3/5/12 12:14 am - Westminster, CO
 I live in Port Angeles.....rain capital of Washington state! LOL~!!!
Jamie B.
on 3/4/12 11:00 pm - MI
Congrats Lena!! Fantastic post...I love it! Stay strong and proud!! 
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