Welcome to the Say it....I dare you thread.

on 3/13/12 9:07 am - Silver Spring, MD
VSG on 02/27/12 with
I'm tired and don't want to talk on the phone tonight.  To anyone. I still love everyone and appreciate all they've done for me while I recover.  I just want to watch the biggest loser, maybe eat a sf popsicle and read a romance novel and go to bed.  Thanks.

AHHHHHHHH I feel better.  Thanks Hillery

Height 5'7"   HW: 314     SW: 293

on 3/13/12 9:34 am
I am hiding in my 6 y.o.'s room to get a break from the 6 y.o and the almost 2 y.o. They are better behaved when they are by themselves and I can hear them playing and watching TV, so I know they are ok...it's better than yelling, right?

Also, to my friend who sells Thirty-one bags...back off about the party and who will buy what!! It makes me feel like all you see is dollar signs when you look at me instead of a friend.
on 3/13/12 9:42 am
RNY on 02/15/12
 I have a 6yo son and an 18mo daughter. I feel your pain, sister. My 6yo is charming and sweet and independent. My little one, though, is in full-fledged Terrible Twos, and it's making me NUTS. 
_._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. 
Check out my video blog!  www.youtube.com/user/HappilyShrinking/videos
Highest weight: 269.  Surgery weight: 233.  Goal weight: 144, and then we'll see.. 
on 3/13/12 9:37 am
 My life is too loud so I've "hidden" my hearing aides until it quiets down.


Cindi J.
on 3/13/12 9:42 am - Tyler, TX
RNY on 04/09/12
I don't understand insurance never have never will. There are two surgeries available to me.   Both cost approximately the same.  Surgery #1 is a reflux surgery that is almost certainly guaranteed to fail because of my weight.  Surgery #2 is RNY that is nearly 100% guarantee to cure the chronic cough due to reflux, improve the sleep apnea, help with the muscle and joint pain that is due to elevated rheumatoid levels and lower the elevated blood sugar levels that the last couple of labs have shown.  But because the RNY is considered elective and excluded from my policy you will not make an exception to cover this surgery that will take care of my main health problem plus lessen the severity of all my other problems thus saving the insurance money in the long run.   However you will pay for me to have a surgery that is guaranteed to fail.   ARE YOU CRAZY OR WHAT!!!! 
on 3/13/12 9:44 am - FL
RNY on 03/26/12
To my daughter,
I just started my liquid diet on Monday and started training for a new job that same day. I am mentally and physically exhausted. No, I do not want to take you shopping and how dare you get an attitude with me about it. Have you forgotten that you have a very capable father that lives in the same house and can actually drive and take you to the store and gets home from work a full two hours before me??? Why cant you understand that I dont have the energy? How many times do I have to ask you to give me a few days to get used to this diet? Give me a break already! 
Tim T.
on 3/13/12 9:49 am - Eastham, MA
If you're going to say something negative about me or my weight loss or my lifestyle change, say it to my face instead of complimenting me in person and commenting to someone else I know about your own insecurities regarding my updated appearance. And then blow it out you ass......
on 3/13/12 10:24 am - New Carrollton, MD
RNY on 08/22/11 with
From earlier today:

Today I have the joyous job of taking my car back to the dealership because they dented it yesterday when I dropped it off to get my 30K service done. $700 in service charges AND you dented my whip?!?!!?? And not just a little ding....oh NOOOOO it's dented in about 1/2 inch AND the paint is scraped off to the metal...talking about "Are you sure it wasn't there before you dropped it off". I'm asking for prayers and strength and a whole lotta help holding my mule because I am NOT in my happy place. Jesus will need to be a bared-wire electrical fence with snipers spaced every 50FT to keep me from going off up in the Mazda dealership today!!!


I will need bail money tomorrow.  The grip on my mule is gone and that thing is bucking and kicking up a storm.

I get in my car and turn the AC on.  It sounds like a mack truck.  Apprently, the mechanics at the dealership don't know how to properly install air filters because it's quite obvious to me that its not installed right.  I'm pissed because its hot today, but I'm headed to the dealership abyway so I decide I'll just have the look at it again when I arrive.  I drive all the way BACK to the Mazada dealership after making an appointment with the service department manager and what greets me when I arrive....her freaking empty chair.  Now, you called me this morning and made arrangements for me to meet you at 5.  So WHY in sam hell are you gone when I arrive AT 5 O'CLOCK.  Are you kidding me.  The Shell station arcoss the street from the dealership is selling regular gas for $3.98 a gallon and I've got to drive back again for you to (1) fix something that you didn't fix right the first time and (2) fix this dent that is now in my car.

UUUUGHGHGHGHGh.   I need a drink!
HW & SW: 363     Surgery date: 8/22/11    
Laura in Texas
on 3/13/12 11:04 am
It would be nice, dear brother and s-i-l, if you would watch my kids every blue moon since I watch your kid every monday through friday before and after school up until 7:30 some nights and overnight several times a month. I love your daughter as if she were my own and my kids love spending time with their favorite cousin. But truth be told, there are two of you and only one of me. It would be nice if one night a month you would let my kids spend the night and give me a break. Yeah, like that will ever happen...

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

on 3/13/12 12:36 pm - KY
I will no doubt get alot of slack for this one, but oh well!!!! My mother...I can NOT stand that woman, she is a selfish, bitter person that should have never had children let alone raised them......Whatever man that is in her life is her main priority, she came to my sons wedding her and her latest wearing custom made Tenn outfits....i was mortified.....She called me last night to tell me she had forgotten her great grand childs baby shower and that she was ripping up the check I mailed her for her Bday In December and just to take that money and buy a bag of diapers ughhhh really my grand baby means soo little to her that she cant send even a card!!! the only reason I sent her a check for her b-day is she sold her house and is traveling with her latest lay and does not want material things.....She didn't even know what type of surgery I had...when she was moving to Tenn she stopped by where I live called and said they wanted us to meet them out for dinner mind ya I had already cooked for her but they insisted well when we got there we ate dinner and they left....she spent a total of 1 hour with me!!!! she is the type of person that when I bought an 08 mini van she ran out the next day and bought a newer car then mine  got wrecked and I got an 08 trailblazer so she ran out and bought and 09 suv lol ughhhh I hope I am never as petty and mean hearted as she is
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