
on 3/13/12 8:37 pm
I am over a year out and in the last week I have been having moderately bad acid reflux.  I get that sour taste in my mouth.  I hate it.  I can't identify triggers.  Sometimes, like last night, it was bad at bedtime but fine all day.  (I had eaten about three hours before) and this morning I can already feel it.  I have been taking Pepcid with a little relief.  I will call the doctor today.  Is there anything else I can do?
on 3/13/12 10:21 pm - Knoxville, TN
I am a 1.5yrs out and I started to have the heartburn, acid reflux, and stomach pain.  I went back to the dr last month and they did the barium swallow and ultra sounds, but didn't find anything.  Two weeks ago they did a scope and found an ulcer at the bottom of my stomach.  I am still taking the prilosec, but they have added ranitidine and sucralfate.  It seems to be getting a little better, but it still hurts and is uncomfortable.  Just make sure they check everything.  Hope you feel better soon.

on 3/14/12 1:11 am
Please read "Why Stomach Acid is Good for You". It is available for Kindle from Amazon.com.

One thing from the book is to take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar daily.
It was recommended by a doctor to my son, who has had excellent results.
on 3/14/12 4:22 pm - Suffern, NY
Stomach acid may be good for people without an RNY but it isnt' good for postop and especially not the first year and this is why we need to take PPI for the first year to prevent ulcers and reflux - we have a tiny pouch that needs to be protected


on 3/14/12 4:26 pm - Suffern, NY
pepcid isnt' strong enough for us to prevent reflux and also to prevent ulcers - if you are feeling heartburn then you have too much acid in your pouch and need to stop it before it is too late.

you need to eat small frequent meals = every 2-3 hours to avoid your pouch being empty for very long and allowing acid to build up.  YOU should avoid spicy foods, cinnamon, mints, cafffeine, chocolate, dairy products, elevate the head of your bed and make sure you arent' taking any NSAIDS, aspirin products, no smoking and no alcohol.

You need to get a PPI - if you can't get a prescriptiom = go to walgreens or CVS and get some prevacid and take 30mg once per day - 30 minutes before either breakfast or dinner.

if the heartburn and pain continue call a gastro doctor for an endoscopy


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